12/7/2021 |
Cathy and Emily Harbin |
please accept this as our opinion and choice for the Redistricting maps, and options currently being considered.
The map # 1 gives best representation of a nonpartisan and equitable choice, from those available and from historical data as well
Thank You for the opportunity. The exorcise our voices
12/5/2021 |
Beth Heard |
I oppose the County Board of Supervisors 2021 Redistricting Plan which would move the City of Rancho Santa Margarita (RSM) from District 5 to District 3, given that RSM has been in District 5 since its inception as a city in 2000. Moreover, there appears to be no real reason to remove the City of Rancho Santa Margarita from District 5 and place it in District 3, given that the City of Rancho Santa Margarita’s population is generally stable. This was demonstrated per the US Census Quick Facts RSM population data which shows that in April 2010 RSM had 47,853 residents and in April 2020 had 47,949 residents which was approximately a 2/10th of a % increase in RSM’s population.
In addition, it is unclear why the proposed redistrict plan for 2021 requires more Orange County’s cities to be split between 2 or more County Districts or move cities from one District to another District or multiple Districts than is in the 5 present District configuration. Presently only 4 cities are split between the five districts versus the 2021 Redistrict Plan which splits 6 cities between 2 or 3 Districts in the 5 proposed district configuration as shown below:
Cities split among Current Districts: Fountain Valley (District 1 and 2), Anaheim (District 3 and 4)
Buena Park (District 2 and 4) and Irvine (District 3 and 5)
Cities split among Proposed Districts in 2021 Redistricting Plan: Garden Grove (District 1 and 2),
Anaheim (District 2, 3 and 4), North Tustin (District 2 and 3) Orange (District 2 and 3), Tustin (District 2 and 3) and Irvine (District 3 and 5)
The criteria for drawing district lines per the County's website specifically states “To the extent possible, district lines must be adopted using the following criteria, in order of priority: (1) geographically contiguous districts (each supervisorial district should share a common border with the next), (2) the geographic integrity of local neighborhoods or communities shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division, (3) geographic integrity of a city shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division, (4) easily identifiable boundaries that follow natural or artificial barriers (rivers, streets, highways, rail lines, etc.), and (5) lines shall be drawn to encourage geographic compactness”.
Due to the impact of the pandemic on the general population’s ability to participate in the redistricting process due to restrictions on public gatherings in 2020 and much of 2021, it seems both inappropriate and fiscally irresponsible to go forward with a redistricting plan the public has not been fully informed of since the 2021 redistricting map was only voted on by the Board of Supervisors in a special meeting on November 22, 2021. As a result of this late November 2021 vote by the Board, Orange County residents have had very little time to participate in the final decision-making process. Maintaining the status quo of the current Districts, seems the most equitable solution to the 2020 redistricting of the County Districts. This issue is especially important given that redistricting of the 5 County Districts will impact which district county residents will be eligible to vote for, in the next ten years.
Thank you for your consideration on this vital concern
Beth Heard
11/23/2021 |
Christine O’Connor |
I am extremely concerned that there are some people
Who have the intent by to redraw the District maps in such a way that Supervisor Katrina Foley would no longer live in the district she currently represents.
We - which is to say THE MAJORITY of citizens in her District voted for her to represent us.
Orange County deserves better than having corrupt anti democratic individuals disenfranchising us to pursue their own RepublicanParty Agenda.
I urge you to maintain fair representation for all citizens in Orange County’s Supervisor Districts.
11/23/2021 |
Michael Robertson |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1
11/23/2021 |
Leslie DeHart |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1.
11/22/2021 |
Deborah Hopkins-Young |
To the kind folks at OC Board of Supervisors,
I am a constituent from 92651 zip code area and I'm writing today to implore you to vote for Map 5A-1. This map seems to me to be the most fair and appropriate to the constituents involved.
11/22/2021 |
Ofelia Claudio |
Honorable Supervisors,
“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Please vote for map 5A-1.
Please do not split Costa Mesa and Newport Beach.
We share a school district, homeless shelter, water district, youth sports fields on NMUSD school sites and many other mutual interests. We are Newport-Mesa.
Please keep Newport Beach and Costa Mesa in the same Supervisorial district.
11/22/2021 |
Denise and Nikolas A. Bletsos |
Your behavior is totally unethical and you should be ashamed of deliberately eliminating Ms. Foley’ s house so that she loses her district or has to move house. It is important to have qualified intelligent hard working people leading O. C. The Board of Supervisors fails to meet that standard plus being morally wrong.
Stop playing cheap politics.
Do not change districts 4c1 and 5c1.
Please continue the current districts as they exist today.
Denise and Nikolas A. Bletsos
11/22/2021 |
Barbara Morihiro |
Greetings to all Orange County Supervisors, As you consider how to organize Orange County into various districts please recognize that voters and citizens, of all backgrounds, live in these cities. Residents and voters choose these locations carefully and expect to have their voices count.
As a longtime resident of Costa Mesa we have appreciated the current district arrangement and our supervisor Katrina Foley. Costa Mesa has unique and specific conditions that require awareness on the Board of Supervisors and Map 5A1 best satisfies the vital needs of Costa Mesa.
Please vote what is best for all the residents of Orange County, and approve Map 5A1.
11/22/2021 |
Donovan Rinker |
Proposed Map 5A-Revision 1 with technical corrections best reflects the purposes for which the redistricting commission was created. It resolves several of the most important issues in the districting process in a way that appears to be fairer to the bulk of the residents of the County.
Proposal 2 - and others which separate coastal communities from inland communities - must be rejected, at least until the coastal communities have met all of their affordable housing obligations. Until they have built adequate housing such that most of the public and private sector employees upon whom they rely are capable of residing within their community, any 'community of interest' proposing to separate these communities is not serving the rest of the people who reside in Orange County for purposes of drawing these districts.
According to the latest Census, Newport Beach gained merely 28 people from 2010 to 2020. Property values skyrocketed over that time. Commute times to Newport Beach, particularly along the 405, also increased. These trends are linked, because it is likely that the businesses and properties in Newport Beach benefited from tens of thousands of people working there who could not afford to live there. In essence, they benefit from the time that the rest of Orange County residents is forced to spend commuting to their city. That is neither sustainable nor fair.
Of the many other proposals, Proposal 5A best balances the interests of ALL Orange County residents. Districts 1, 2, and 4 come together in a space where the 55, the 405, and the 73 meet, one of the most heavily trafficked corridors in the County, and also an area very close to where the bulk of Orange County's growth occurred between 2010 and 2020. District maps must honor not just where people reside in the County, but also how we live in the County (or rather, how many hours we are forced to spend living on the freeways in our county while commuting to work).
For those reasons, Map 5A should be accepted and the others rejected.
11/22/2021 |
Zachary R. Griggy |
I’d like to voice my strong concerns about the direction of this redistricting process. The redistricting process is supposed to empower communities. Instead, this board is disenfranchising them. For this reason, the Associated Students of UC Irvine Senate voted unanimously to oppose all six maps put forward today.
In winnowing the options to the six maps, Maps 4C-1, 4C-1A, 4C-1B, 4C-1C, 4C-1D and 5A-1, the Board has removed representative maps in favor of partisan gerrymanders designed to cement one party’s control of the board. The Board is ignoring weeks of public comment in favor of their own political interests. The Board is treating the 113,000 residents of Costa Mesa like pawns in an effort to disfavor a sitting supervisor. This Board is ignoring testimony from ASUCI representatives and cracking our student body and countless other Orange County communities. I urge you to reconsider your decision and adopt a more representative map like map 5, 5A or 2A-1.
Finally, as a personal aside, I am also the creator of Map 8. Just three weeks ago, this board voted unanimously to remove my map from consideration for no reason other than the fact that my map did not create a district where the Asian Citizen Voting Age Population, CVAP, was over 30 percent. My map was disqualified for no reason other than it did not have a district where Asian CVAP was above 30 percent.
Today, all six of the draft maps you are considering today have districts with Asian CVAP under 30 percent. You disqualified my map for not having a district with Asian CVAP above 30 percent. All of these maps fail that exact same test. I ask nothing more and the people of Orange County expect nothing less than that this board will be consistent, follow its own criteria that it used to remove my map from consideration and throw out all six maps under consideration today.
Please, stop playing partisan games with our district maps, reconsider your decision to focus on these gerrymandered maps and adopt a more representative map like 5, 5A or 2A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Joan & Jack Andersen |
The idea of redistricting to split votes on crucial matters such as Airport expansion and unbridled developments is unacceptable to most residents of South Orange County. If you can't make things work the fair way, just split the vote by changing the voting lines. That is a draconian solution to "I can't get my way" these days and must stop now.
A deep and fair analysis and further digging to even begin to think about how to change things is in order. And our question is Why? What's your motives because between SB9 and now proposed redistricting issues we who have worked hard and saved to have a beautiful piece of nature amidst the granite jungle are being pressed into some version of 1984.
Please consider the residents who live here not just the developers who want a piece of us.
11/22/2021 |
Lisa Harrison |
I support Map 5-a in the Redistricting effort.
11/22/2021 |
Faye Hezar |
Dear Board of Supervisors,
I am a Newport Coast residence for the last 32 years and I am in support of map 5A-1 to keep our communities together. Map 5A-1 will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport, keeps the Newport-Mesa School District intact, and ensures that other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected. Map 5A-1 will keep the coastal communities and their shared interests together.
The alternate map 4C-1 is not good for our communities. It would separate Costa Mesa and Newport Beach into different Supervisorial Districts hampering efforts to control JWA growth and splitting long-established interests such as a shared school district, the recently constructed homeless shelter, and our shared coastal and environmental concerns.
Our Communities are bound together inextricably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
Shared school district in Newport Mesa
Shared Airport Issues
Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout Shared contracts for services and coordination Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa.
Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated.
Thank you for your consideration,
11/22/2021 |
Alice Apkarian |
Please Endorse Map 5A-1
Don’t split Irvine (much). Keep NB and Costa Mesa united.
11/22/2021 |
Donna Bahney |
Please support Map 5A-1… it is what is best for our coastal communities.
11/22/2021 |
Michael Hickey |
I support Map 5A-1. Thank you for your consideration.
11/22/2021 |
Jill Mulato |
As a long time resident of south Orange County (Mission Viejo from 2000-2016 and now Dana Point), I would like my support of Map 5A-1 noted.
It is the only common sense map I have seen put forward that is the most equitable.
11/22/2021 |
Lynn Lorenz |
To the Attention of the Board of Supervisors:
It is absolutely essential that the Board of Supervisors endorses Map 5A-1.
It is entirely dispiriting to the communities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach to consider breaking up a longstanding tradition of sharing a school district, homeless concerns, and also very importantly, to the concerns of the whole county, their shared interest and reputation of containing JWA growth.
Our communities hope that you will make the wise choice of adopting Map 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Katherine W. Clark |
I write, seeking the attention of Supervisors of the Fourth and Fifth Districts: I am strongly opposed to the 4A1 proposal for Redistricting. Give full and thoughtful reconsideration of 5A1. It allows various ethnic populations to have a voice, undiluted by politicians who do not represent them or their views. As a Democrat, I sincerely resent efforts to make OC appear to be a Republican stronghold---which it is not. Play fair, be fair, please.
11/22/2021 |
Rob Rowan |
5A-1 Please !
11/22/2021 |
Debbie Salahi |
I am urging a vote for Map 5A for redistricting because it keeps Newport Beach and Costa Mesa together in the same district. It would be preferable not to have the school district of Newport-Mesa split between two districts. And it seems the fairest. Please vote for Map 5A.
11/22/2021 |
David Rose |
Dear Supervisors, I am a resident of Orange County, Did you know we had a “Incident” near miss on Labor day, Sept 6th, 2021 @ 3:42pm. Below is the video where a Southwest commercial aircraft departed JWA on a smooth departure, when a GA General Aviation Corporate Jet took after right after the Southwest and was in NON COMPLIANCE of Federal speed regulations for JWA / Class C Airspace FAR 91.117 both parts (a) and (b) and over Balboa Island / Balboa Peninsula had to take evasive maneuvers to the right to avoid running into the back of the Southwest. The “Close in to Commercial” are the same conditions on an arrival that caused the In-N-Out jet to crash and kill 5 people. Https://www.latimes.com/.../la-xpm-1993-12-17-mn-2813... VIDEO : Here is the Video : https://youtu.be/bW9yi4Zg44I I am writing in support of Map 5A-1 as it keeps cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach and Costa Mesa remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise and increase safety in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA. Residents and the City of Newport Beach is working with Supervisor Foley to enact a JWA FLY FRIENDLY PROGRAM that will monitor each and every flight daily and categorize those flights and work to reduced noise and increase safety in our communities by making sure the FAA is aware of Non Compliance of Federal speed regulations in Class C airspace 91.117 (a) and (b) at JWA. Map 5A-1 helps us to continue this work on behalf of our communities. Below is a graphic that illustrates the Sept 6th flight that could have been a catastrophe for District 2 and Orange County Long Version Video : https://youtu.be/rSKmoZof86g Short Version Video : Short Version https://youtu.be/bW9yi4Zg44I Map 5A-1 will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport. Map 5A-1 also does the following : Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact Our Communities are bound together inextricably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding. • Shared school district in Newport Mesa • Shared Airport Issues • Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination • Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout • Shared contracts for services and coordination • Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa • Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM • Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2% =========================================== I am asking that you please vote in favor of Map 5A-1 Thank you.
11/22/2021 |
Lynn and Jeff Friedman |
Dear Board of Supervisors,
Concerning redistricting the OC Supervisorial District Map:
Costa Mesa and Newport Beach are so intertwined that they share a school district, environmental, homelessness and coastal projects. They should NOT be divided into different districts.
It is extremely important to our communities to be in 1 district.
11/22/2021 |
Suzanne Forster |
The redistricting maps that are being proposed for Orange County will have major ramifications for cities, including Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, for the next ten years. I’m writing to ask that you adopt Map 5-1A for as the official OC Supervisorial District Map for the following reasons.
Map 5A-1 will ensure:
- JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport,
- Newport-Mesa School District remains intact,
- Other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected, and
- Coastal communities and their shared interests are kept together.
Map 4C-1 is not good for our communities because it:
- Separates Costa Mesa and Newport Beach into different Supervisorial Districts,
- Hampers efforts to control JWA growth, and
- Splits long-established interests such as a shared school district, the recently constructed homeless shelter, and our shared coastal and environmental concerns.
Thank you for considering my concerns. Please put your constituents first and vote with their needs in mind.
11/22/2021 |
Judie Mancuso |
PLEASE DO NOT support 4C-1 map, and insist they reconsider approval for 5A-1 map that fairly represents all Orange County citizens to have an equal voice of representation on this Supervisory Board.
11/22/2021 |
Deborah Elms |
I live in Newport Coast. I'm concerned about some of the suggested changes to the district electoral map.
I am asking for a vote for Map version 5A-1, please.
It's important to me that the coastal OC communities - not just the ocean beach parts - are kept together so that our shared needs and interests are focused on fairly.
It makes more sense that JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport and that Newport-Mesa School District remains intact.
Also, with 5A-1, inter-community projects such as the newly constructed homeless shelter for Costa Mesa/ Newport will remain in the same district. That is very important to its success. And very normal for how our towns work now.
Please support the community in which I live by supporting a supervisor map that supports my community - 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Susan Meyer |
I am a constituent of District 2. Do not split up District 2 for your shameful political attempt to get rid of the best Supervisor we have ever had. Supervisor Foley is responsive to us and is working much harder for the benefit of our community than any other Supervisor we have had.
I support 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Jenny Korb |
PLEASE DO NOT SEPARATE THE CITY OF IRVINE INTO TWO SEPARATE DISTRICTS! Only hurts all cities that have stood together…so re-consider.
Korb residence, Northwood, Irvine (NORth of the 5 frwy
11/22/2021 |
Erin Marshall |
Dear OC Supervisors - as a resident of Orange County, it is extremely important to me that the districting maps be drawn to fairly represent the people without partisan gerrymandering. I cannot emphasize how strongly I feel that American constituents select their elected officials. Elected officials do not get to select who they represent. I have been disgusted with the anti-democracy partisanship rampant in our country and in our county. The lack of transparency and invitation for public participation in Orange County has also been noted.
I ask that you support and vote for Map 5A-1 which is the best choice for ALL Orange County residents. As a resident of Irvine, my neighbors and I do not deserve to cracked into 3 separate districts to dilute our representation and shared community of interest. Map 5A-1 unites south OC which has shared community interests, keeps Costa Mesa and Newport Beach united in their shared interest, does not carve out Huntington Beach in a partisan way.
As you consider these maps - I hope you also consider how your votes will reflect upon YOU. And whether or not you want your record to reflect if you put country and the fair interests of Americans over party and hyperpartisan politics.
Thank you for supporting Map 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Leigh and Linda Martin |
Dear Orange County Board of Supervisors,
As residents of Orange County for 35 years, we are writing to you to express our concerns regarding the current redistricting process. What we’ve learned over the years is that, as our directly-elected representatives at the County level, you oversee a budget larger than that of many states, and have decision-making authority over key services and assets that have more significant effect on our daily lives than any other government agency. As such, we expect the highest levels of integrity, transparency and accountability. But sadly, the current redistricting process has raised our eyebrows and those of citizens across the county of all viewpoints; as it’s now become widely perceived that the political gerrymandering we’ve heard about in other parts of the country for years now seems to be happening right here in Orange County.
Specifically, as we’ve learned, that the previously proposed maps have now been narrowed down to just two: (Map 4-C-1 and Map 5-C-1); and that Map “4-C-1” will move Supervisor Foley, the newest District Supervisor (who currently represents our District), into a new district that is not up for re-election for another three years, effectively making her ineligible to hold office on this Board until 2024. To date, we and most of our neighbors and friends, believe that Katrina has met and exceeded expectations on the board – in particular through her proactive actions in regards to COVID and homelessness, along with bringing what we believe are new ideas, perspectives, levels of accountability and balance to this board. As such, we vehemently oppose any redistricting that would effectively (and apparently intentionally) remove her from the board.
We have also learned that Map 4-C-1 splits up more cities and communities of interest than Map 5-C-1, including not only Costa Mesa – and subsequently services that affect communities of interest; but also Huntington Beach where our daughter lives – which makes no sense. Our family strongly believes cities representation must remain united as much as possible. As such, while we do not agree with all the changes made in Map 5-C-1, given that the board has apparently narrowed their vote down to only these two maps, we only and strongly support Map 5-C-1, and urge every board member to support and vote for this more reasonable and equitable of the two remaining maps. Thank you.
11/22/2021 |
Susan Meyer |
I am a constituent of District 2. I support 5a-1. Do not divide District 2. I see and so does everyone else that you attempt to alter District 2 is Political. Shame on you. Breaking the law. Not to be based on Political! The attempt is to get rid of the only response Supervisor we have had. Keep Supervisor Katrina Foley. Fire the Supervisor who suggested to break up Costa Mesa. Really…shame on you.
11/22/2021 |
Molly LaMar |
Please support map 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Anonymous |
I support Map 5A1 in the redistricting process for OC Board of Supervisors
11/22/2021 |
Connor Strobel |
Dear Leaders,
I write to you in opposition to the proposed 4C-1 map. The redrawing of District 1 is not consistent with the historic or present communities of interest in Northwest Orange County. Not only has the district not been previously drawn as proposed, but the district would divide populations that utilize the same public services (schools, fire and EMS, shelters) in ways that are imprudent and not internally justifiable. The division of Irvine and its surrounding area is similarly objectionable. The ways that District 5 is drawn with respect to Districts 1 and 3 does not represent a clearer community of interest, compactness, or intelligibility for the general public.
While the precise edges of districts take finesse to respond to changes in the Census, the dramatic changes proposed in the 4C-1 map are not founded upon common rationales for improving districts. An everyday citizen should be able to clearly identify what district they are in so that they may be thoughtful, informed, and efficacious citizens. The 4C-1 map makes it harder for citizens to do that with no upside.
I encourage you to oppose the 4C-1 Map.
11/22/2021 |
Deborah Elms |
I live in Newport Coast. I'm concerned about some of the suggested changes to the district electoral map.
I am asking for a vote for Map version 5A-1.
It's important to me that the coastal OC communities - not just the ocean beach parts - are kept together so that our shared needs and interests are focused on fairly.
It makes more sense --
- that JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport,
- that Newport-Mesa School District remains intact,
As I understand it, with 5A-1, intercommunity projects such as the newly constructed homeless shelter for Costa Mesa/ Newport will remain in the same district. That is very important to its success.
Please support the community in which I live by supporting a supervisor map that supports my community.
11/22/2021 |
Veronica Phillips |
I live in Newport Coast. I'm concerned about the planned changes to the district. Please vote for Map version 5A-1.
Map 5A-1 will ensure:
JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport,
Newport-Mesa School District remains intact,
Other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected, and
Coastal communities and their shared interests are kept together.
11/22/2021 |
Susan Jundanian |
As an Aliso Viejo resident, I am writing to voice my strong support for Map 5A1. Our city should not be split down the middle for partisan purposes.
11/22/2021 |
Luis Manuel Huang |
Asian American Dems of Orange County |
Dear OC Board of Supervisors,
I represent the leadership of Asian American Dems of Orange County.
We will like to emphatically ask you for the following:
Please Endorse Map 5A-1
* 5A-1 Unites Most of Southern Orange County
* 5A-1 Minimally splits Irvine, only into 2 districts, instead of 3.
* 5A-1 Keeps Both Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills united and in the same district with its neighboring cities south of the 5 freeway.
* 5A-1 Does not create a Huntington Beach City Island in between Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa (perhaps their City mentions that.
* 5A-1 Keeps Costa Mesa and Newport Beach United, Preserving Neighborhoods and decades’ established communities of interest, including a shared school district, homeless shelter, public services, parks, neighborhoods, business interests, water district, and community college district.
Fair representation of our communities and fair representation of all minority groups needs to be safeguarded. We must have redistricting that reflects this.
Thank you kindly.
11/22/2021 |
Elizabeth Butler |
11/22/2021 |
Letter from City of Tustin |
11/22/2021 |
East Orange County Water District |
11/22/2021 |
Mary Urashima |
I urge the Board of Supervisor to approve redistricting map 5A-1.
I am very concerned with a final discussion on this issue being held during Thanksgiving week when public participation may be less. As a public agency board that serves the public, there is a general rule to not push major decisions or discussions within a few days of a public holiday. This sends a message that you are not interested in the public's opinion.
I also am concerned that the proposed map discussions seemed pointed in an effort to remove the current District 2 board member. I urge supervisors to consider their responsibilities to the greater public's demand for logical and equitable districts, and not political maneuvering.
Again, of these choices we have been provided, please approve map 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Bridget Kominek |
Hello, I am a resident of Santa Ana, represented by Andrew Do on the OC Board of Supervisors. I am writing in support of map 5A-1, proposed by Supervisors Chafee and Bartlett. This map, while not perfect, keeps Costa Mesa intact and reflects the shared interests of the coastal cities in our county.
I ask that my representative, Andrew Do, and the other supervisors vote in favor of this map.
11/22/2021 |
Buffie Channel |
Hello Supervisors,
I’m writing today in support of map 51-A.
1). It keeps cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach and Costa Mesa in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise and other issues that impact local residents.
Residents and the City of Newport Beach is working with Supervisor Foley to enact a JWA FLY FRIENDLY PROGRAM that will monitor each and every flight daily and categorize those flights and work to reduced noise and increase safety in our communities by making sure the FAA is aware of Non Compliance of Federal speed regulations in Class C airspace 91.117 (a) and (b) at JWA.
2). It keeps Costa Mess and Newport Beach together which is very important because of:
- Shared school district in Newport Mesa
- Shared Airport Issues
- Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
- Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
- Shared contracts for services and coordination
- Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
3). It will leave Huntington Beach together with Fountain Valley, two sister cities that also share important cooperation and high schools in the same district.
4). It serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
I am asking that you please vote in favor of Map 5A-1
Thank you.
11/22/2021 |
Mayor Bob Whalen |
City of Laguna Beach |
Please find the attached letter signed by Mayor Bob Whalen on behalf of the City Council supporting Map 5A-1. Thank you.
11/22/2021 |
Ralph Taboada |
Honorable Supervisors
Please support Map 5A-1. Please keep Costa Mesa and Newport Beach in the same district. I am a long time resident of Costa Mesa and Newport and Costa Mesa have many common interests. We share a school district called "Newport-Mesa", we share sports fields, a homeless shelter, mutual aid agreements for emergency services. We also have common interests concerning John Wayne Airport and well as area traffic concerns and the two cities work together on common issues.
Thank you and again please support Map 5A-1
11/22/2021 |
Heather Roberts |
Good afternoon,
Thank you, Chaffee & Bartlett, for proposing Map 5A-1. It's a 'common sense map that is fair & equitable. And keeps the coastal communities together'.
I do NOT agree with the board trying to gerrymander pro-mask, pro-science Katrina Foley out of her job!
I support Map 5A-1!!
11/22/2021 |
Stephanie Jones |
Dear BOS
Please take into account why this map is better. It’s a common sense map and it keeps communities together. Please keep these points in mind.
Why Map 5A-1: Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact Our Communities are bound together inextrably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
• Shared school district in Newport Mesa • Shared Airport Issues • Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination • Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout • Shared contracts for services and coordination • Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
5A1 Map also:
• Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM • Will not connect two cities that have little to do with one another…Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa?
• Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
Thank you for taking these point into account. I’m a constituent and I vote in every election. I’m paying attention.
11/22/2021 |
Kim Bennett |
As a resident of Huntington Beach and a small business owner in Newport Beach I'm asking the board to approve map 5A1.
Keeping coastal cities impacted by JW Airport is important.
Splitting Costa Mesa and Newport Beach when they share a school district would split representation for a large school district (as shown in other maps) and is not acceptable.
Thank you for hearing me out.
11/22/2021 |
Lisa Naegele |
Please consider keeping map 5A1 as is. There is no need to make the changes. Changing the map is clearly an attempt to pull representation for pure politics! Demographics are changing and the only way to keep Orange County from being properly represented is to change the districting. That would be irresponsible!
11/22/2021 |
Brooke Harper |
Coastal cities must stay together and so must the Newport Mesa school district. Please support map 5A-1 in redistricting.
11/22/2021 |
Anonymous |
As a longtime resident of OC, in District 2 specifically, I am disheartened and disgusted by the political machinations of the other four Board (Do, Chaffee, Wagner, and Bartlett) members who continuously target Supervisor Foley in any ways available to them, due to hyperpartisan allegiances and a love of participating in any forms of civic corruption that inure to their benefit. Their attempt to ram through either Proposal 4C-1 or 5A-1, with the barest legal minimum of public notice for purposes of informed public commentary, in either case depriving the constituents of Orange County who most recently exercised their votes to obtain a historic win for Supervisor Foley of her representation, when arguably theirs is the most accurate reflection of the current voters’ will, is neither fair nor democratic. It is a glaring example of another attempt by Republicans in the county to gerrymander away the district of the only principled Democrat representative on the Board and to further ensure that the redistricting process eliminates any hope of victory for Foley again in the new districts. Conveniently, it is only Foley’s district that is eliminated in the process, due to her no longer living in the newly proposed District 2, affecting none of the other Supervisors in such a way. I think the only two proposals on offer (4C-1 and 5A-1) are total garbage, a corrupt farce, and a severe undermining of representative government that purports to reflect the will of the voters. To force constituents to choose 5A-1 as the lesser of two evils, on the pretense that Chaffee and Bartlett have generously done anything more than simply offering a minutely less corrupt alternative to Do’s proposed 4C-1, is an outrage.
11/22/2021 |
Julie Johnson |
Dear Supervisors,
I am writing in support of Map 5A-1 as it keeps cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach and Costa Mesa remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise and increase safety in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
Map 5A-1 also does the following :
Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact
Our Communities are bound together inextricably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
- Shared school district in Newport Mesa
- Shared Airport Issues
- Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
- Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
- Shared contracts for services and coordination
- Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
- Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM
- Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
I am asking that you please vote in favor of Map 5A-1
Thank you.
11/22/2021 |
Laurel & Gene Davila |
None of the redistricting maps supported by community public comments and nonprofit groups were the ones advanced and modified by the Supervisors.
The maps most popular with other community groups are no longer a viable option.
Supervisors instead advanced two maps put forward by supervisors Do and Chaffee, with additional changes that were made public for the first time on Friday, November 19.
These last-minute changes to the maps were given minimum public notice time required under state law.
The final maps will be decided on Monday, November 22 at a special meeting at 1pm.
Supervisor Do’s proposal modifies Map 4 (a map that community groups considered to be the least equitable map all). Do's map also moves Supervisor Katrina Foley into a district that is not up for reelection for another three years, making her ineligible to hold office as a supervisor from December 2022 through the election in November 2024.
Representatives from American Civil Liberties Union and People’s Redistricting Alliance alleged that several of the maps proposed by supervisors – including Map 4C1, illegally involve partisan gerrymandering.
Do not make illegal gerrymandering!
11/22/2021 |
Iris Asbury |
Dear Committee,
Thank you for proposing Map 5A-1. It is a common sense map that is fair and equitable and keeps the coastal communities together. I truly appreciate your sense of community and believe Map 5A-1 is the ONLY map that should be allowed. The consequences of the other map would leave us divided and fractured as a community, especially in regard to John Wayne airport. A united front is always stronger than a divided front and I appreciate your dedication and thoughtfulness in this matter!
11/22/2021 |
Jim Fraser |
As you evaluate and submit your vote for the redistricting later today, I encourage you to sustain the current district Map for Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, which I believe is Map 5A-1.
Thank you,
Jim Fraser
11/22/2021 |
Donald Martin |
I support map A51. Let’s keep Costa Mesa intact!
11/22/2021 |
Wendy Leece |
Honorable Supervisors,
“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Please vote for map 5A-1.
Please do not split Costa Mesa and Newport Beach.
We share a school district, homeless shelter, water district, youth sports fields on NMUSD school sites and many other mutual interests. We are Newport-Mesa.
Please keep Newport Beach and Costa Mesa in the same Supervisorial district.
11/22/2021 |
Lori Karaguezian |
I am writing in support of map 5A-1 which keeps the City of Santa Ana in one district. As a resident of Supervisor Do's district, I am shocked by how brazenly he put forth Map 4C1 shoving aside the best interest of his own district! He clearly cares more about playing politics than representing his constituents. Map 4C1 is a blatant attempt at gerrymandering. This map should automatically be disqualified from even being considered or voted on.
The process this Board has followed during the redistricting process has been concerning, to say the least. I implore you all to restore a semblance of decency to our civic process by rejecting map 4C1. Vote YES on map 5A-1
11/22/2021 |
Sandra Martin |
I support map 5A1. Keep Costa Mesa intact!
11/22/2021 |
Richard l Bruck |
Hello, I am emailing you to ask that the OC BOS “Keep Costa Mesa United”! I support Maps 5 and 2A
11/22/2021 |
Jill Nelke |
Hello, I am emailing you to ask that the OC BOS “Keep Costa Mesa United”! I support Maps 5 and 2A
11/22/2021 |
Ulli Green |
I support map 5A1. Keep Costa Mesa intact.
11/22/2021 |
M Rumsfeld |
I endorse Map 5A-1
I don't endorse Gerrymandering
11/22/2021 |
Laura Arce |
Dear Board Members,
Please vote for and support Map 5A-1.
Map 5A-1 will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport, keeps the Newport-Mesa School District intact, and ensures that other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected. Map 5A-1 will keep the coastal communities and their shared interests together.
The alternate map 4C-1 is not good for our communities. It would separate Costa Mesa and Newport Beach into different Supervisorial Districts hampering efforts to control JWA growth and splitting long-established interests such as a shared school district, the recently constructed homeless shelter, and our shared coastal and environmental concerns.
Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact.
”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
- Shared school district in Newport Mesa
- Shared Airport Issues
- Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
- Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
- Shared contracts for services and coordination
- Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
The 5A1 Map also:
- Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM
- Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
- We encourage you to make your voices heard to keep Costa Mesa together.
11/22/2021 |
Deborah Barrett |
As a property owner in Costa Mesa for over 25 years, I would like to ask for your support for Map 5A-1. I am on East 18th Street, very close to the shared business district on 17th.
I would like the John Wayne Airport cities to be in the same Supervisorial District as the airport. I believe the Newport-Mesa School District should remain as is. I would like our partnership projects such as the homeless shelter to be supervised as one district, as well as coastal communities shared interests.
Thank you for your vote for Map 5A-1.
11/22/2021 |
Allison Parsons |
I am a long time home owner and resident in Aliso Viejo. Our community should not be split up with a new redistricting map.
Proposed map 4C-1 unfairly does this as well as splits up other communities.
We in Aliso Viejo want to keep our entire city in the same district and request map 5A-1 be adopted.
11/22/2021 |
Jill Mulato |
As a long time resident of south Orange County (Mission Viejo from 2000-2016 and now Dana Point), I would like my support of Map 5A-1 noted.
It is the only common sense map I have seen put forward that is the most equitable.
11/22/2021 |
Patricia Boe |
As a resident of Orange County in Santa Ana, I urge you to approve redistricting map 5A-1. This map best reflects the residents of Orange County instead of partisan political interests.
11/22/2021 |
Kathleen Dove |
I am a Registered Voter living in the OC - Irvine specifically. I strongly support implementation of Map 5A-1 for redistricting purposes. It is the best choice for all of us.
11/22/2021 |
Michael Hickey |
I support Map 5A-1. Thank you for your consideration of this measure.
11/22/2021 |
Mayor Tiffany Ackley |
City of Aliso Viejo |
This is Tiffany Ackley, the mayor of the city of Aliso Viejo, elected by an overwhelming majority of Aliso Viejo voters. I am also a south orange county native, raised in San Juan Capistrano and Irvine. These comments are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of all my councilmen.
I am writing to voice my strong support of proposed map 5A-1. Aliso Viejo is a small, tight knit city, approximately 7 square miles. We are a community of interest. There is no reason to split Aliso Viejo, other than for political gerrymandering. Notably, the majority of the proposed maps split Aliso Viejo along political "borders." This does not make sense to me, nor does it foster the cohesive community we have in Aliso Viejo.
I am also an attorney who specializes in representing public entities and know that map 5A-1 complies with all state and Federal laws. It is my strong preference that Aliso Viejo is not split amongst districts, and that this board adopt map 5A-1.
Thank you for your service to our county, and I hope that you will do what is right for all members of your district, regardless of political party.
11/22/2021 |
Jeanne Lepowsky |
Please vote for Map 5A-1, which does the LEAST amount of damage to Orange County communities, school districts, and groups with shared interests.
I am FURIOUS about your redistricting process for several reasons:
- You have rushed this process, shortening the public input period, thus preventing me and my fellow Orange Countians from making our voices heard. This makes me think that you do NOT want to represent residents, but rather, to hold on to your own power.
- Your proposed map 4C1, in particular, is politically motivated, with the objective of preventing your most recently elected fellow Supervisor from running for the office she currently holds. This is what is known as GERRYMANDERING. Again, this goes against representation of the people of Orange County.
- The maps themselves are divisive of groups with common interests:
Cities are divided, school districts are divided, geographical regions are divided. Using the 405 freeway as a dividing line is absurd!
It is time for you to DO YOUR JOB of working for the good of the people of Orange County. Otherwise, my money will go to support a lawsuit to overturn your gerrymandering.
11/22/2021 |
Donald L. Martin |
I support map 5A1. Let’s keep Costa Mesa intact!
11/21/2021 |
Lise Miller |
It is essential we keep the cities of Costa Mesa, Irvine and Huntington Beach in tact. The gerrymandering to damage based on political aspirations in map 4 is abhorrent and needs to stop! The idea that you could think Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa belong together is absurd to anyone who has actually spent time in these communities.
I am a 4th generation resident of “Newport Mesa” which speaks to the reason Costa Mesa and Newport Beach need to remain together. Airport, School District, Beach Access, Shared Business Districts, historically linked. Further Map 5A-1 is keeping our Vietnamese community together with 32.2%. It also keeps mostly keeps south county cities Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills united and does not split Huntington Beach.
John Moorlach has dared to tell the truth, map 4 is POLITICAL and makes NO SENSE. It was designed to create a bludgeon against a colleague they would love to push out of their seat. The idea a “billboard” that is not even built represents a connection between communities is absurd.
Please remember your job is to serve residents and voters, not preserve political preferences of Supervisors!
Vote for Map 5A-1

11/21/2021 |
M Rumsfeld |
I don't endorse Gerrymandering
11/21/2021 |
Anne Gordinier |
First, thank you to Supervisors Bartlett and Chaffee for proposing Map5A1 in redistricting Orange County. It is thoughtful of OC’s diverse communities and works to give Orange County voters fair representation. Map 4 is the opposite, it splits 14 cities and is subject to legal challenge. It is important to keep the coastal cities together, Costa Mesa together in particular in redrawing these lines. It is also legal and appropriate to avoid a map deliberately aimed to unseat a sitting incumbent. It is urgent that the Board vote for Map 5A1 today. Anne Gordinier
11/21/2021 |
Carol Keane |
I am writing to voice my support for the proposed 5A-1 Map. I support this map because it is fair and equitable and keeps coastal communities together. I am especially unhappy with the separation of Costa Mesa from the district with Newport Beach as the area of Newport Mesa shares school districts and issues with the airport. I am also appalled that the other map splits Huntington Beach into two districts.
Please support the 5A-1 Map.
11/21/2021 |
Anonymous /td> |
Please support Map 5A1.
11/21/2021 |
Richard Morris |
I want to express my support for the proposed 5A-1 map. I do not want the 4C-1 map
which divides Huntington Beach into 2 separate districts.
11/21/2021 |
Taylor Vivanco |
I am an Orange Country resident and voter. I wanted to express my support for map 5A-1. The only other option for redistricting is shamefully gerrymandered and divides up the Newport Mesa community, a community that shares so many important ties that they share a school district. Further, map 5A-1 is based on a proposal from the Orange County Civic Engagement Table and is specifically designed with the people of Orange County in mind. Please give Orange County map 5A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Julie Gallups |
MAP 5A-1 !!!
Why Map 5A-1: Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact...
Our Communities are bound together inextrably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
• Shared school district in Newport Mesa
• Shared Airport Issues
• Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
• Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
• Shared contracts for services and coordination
• Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
5A1 Map also:
• Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM
• Will not connect two cities that have little to do with one another…Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa?
• Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
11/21/2021 |
Libby Frolichman |
I’m writing in support of Map 5-A-1. Of the remaining maps under consideration, Map 5-A-1 is the only one that makes sense and is in compliance with election laws. It splits fewer cities and keeps communities of interest together. Keeping the API community together in district 1 is important to me and Map 5-A-1 successfully accomplishes that goal. Furthermore, this map keeps Huntington Beach complete and together with Fountain Valley. Our two cities have a lot of shared interests including our shopping, schools, entertainment, recreation and services. Huntington Beach Unified High School District (HBUHSD) includes Fountain Valley High School and my Fountain Valley son went to high school in Huntington Beach. The Coast Community College District oversees schools in both Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. Most Fountain Valley residents who go to movie theaters, go to those at Bella Terra shopping center in Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach residents enjoy recreation opportunities in Fountain Valley’s Mile Square Park.
Please keep ALL of Huntington Beach united with Fountain Valley and give the API community the most unified voice by adopting Map 5-A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Linda Geller |
Please support plan 5A-1!
It is extremely important that Newport beach and Costa Mesa be kept together. I don't know why anyone would seriously consider anything else.
Thank you.
Linda Geller Kensey
Newport Beach
11/21/2021 |
Lu and Tom Baker |
We are residents of Newport Beach. We are concern that sufficient time has not been allocated for review and comments from the voters.
We support Proposed Map 5A‐1 because it provides the most equitable and fair option for Orange County at large. Proposal Map
5A-1 defines Districts which avoid City splitting except when appropriate, combine communities with similar interests, contain a significant Latino District, contain a significant Asian District and appear to be nonpartisan. Proposed Map 5A-1 groups into the same Supervisorial District the cities (Costa Mesa, Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Newport Beach ) which are significantly impacted by John Wayne Airport.
We are strongly in opposition to Proposed Map 4C-1. It separates Costa Mesa and Newport Beach which are historically coupled with a school district, a Homeless Shelter and citizens’ concerns about John Wayne Airport and shared environmental and coastal issues.
11/21/2021 |
Laura Camp |
Why Map 5A-1: Keep Costa Mesa in Tact. Newport Mesa shares many mutual interests. • Newport Mesa school district • Airport Issues • Homeless Shelter & Coordination • Business Districts on 17th Street & throughout • Contracts for services and coordination
5A1 Map: • Won't leave Huntington Beach isolated between Fountain Valley & CM • Won't connect two cities that have little to do w/ one another. Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa? • Serves interests of Vietnamese community who will have the strongest • Newport Mesa school district
- Airport Issues • Homeless Shelter & Coordination • Business Districts on 17th Street & throughout
- Contracts for services and coordinationrepresentation at 32.2%
Please count my support for Map 5A-1
11/21/2021 |
Seth Frolichman |
I am writing in support of map 5-A-1. It seems to me to be the most fair and balanced of the remaining choices. It splits a lot fewer cities and keeps Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach together without splitting either city. Our 2 cities have a lot in common including a shared 9-12 school district (HBUHSD) and shared community college district (Coast Community College District). Our shopping, entertainment, and recreation also overlap. Please adopt Map 5-A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Steve Papian |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1.
11/21/2021 |
Anonymous |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1!
11/21/2021 |
Grace Garrett |
Please vote for Map 5A-1 which is a common sense map that is fair and equitable and keeps the coastal communities together. I live in Costa Mesa and we are connected to Newport Beach and NMUSD among other common obligations. This map makes the most sense. Please consider this important vote thoughtfully and do the right thing for our community.
11/21/2021 |
Taryn Wool-Smith |
Dear Supervisors,
I support map 5A1. Keep Costa Mesa intact.
11/21/2021 |
Beverly Moosmann |
Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors:
Thank you for the hard work you have done revising the official Supervisorial District Map.
As a resident of Newport Beach, I believe it is crucial that Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, and JWA remain in the same supervisorial district. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are the cities most negatively impacted by JWA departures and operations. Historically, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa have been in the same supervisorial district, and their city governments, airport advocacy groups, and residents have formed a significant alliance that continues to work toward the goal of protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of thousands of school children, residents, and people working under or near JWA departure routes. This constitutes an important community of interest that needs to be considered by the Board in making its redistricting decisions.
When you make your decision on November 22nd, please keep Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, and JWA in the same supervisorial district.
Best Regards,
Beverly Moosmann
11/21/2021 |
Vincent Gonzales |
I am a long-time resident of Fountain Valley, having lived here with my family for over 20 years. I understand that the Board of Supervisors is currently deciding which redistricting map to adopt. I urge this Board to support map 5-A-1.
As an API immigrant who pays taxes, I support Map 5-A-1 because it increases the API voice in District 1 to over 32%. This map is the most equitable of the remaining choices. In addition to keeping the API community together, it also keeps other communities of interest united, including school districts, water districts, parks, community college districts, and public services. It splits significantly fewer cities than the competing map. Please adopt Map 5-A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Lorian K. Petry |
Please consider the legal ramifications of splitting Newport and Costa Mesa into different districts. In 2008 the cities entered in "Memorandum of Understanding" (MOU) that is still binding between the two cities. It focuses on aspects of JWA that were and, most definitely, are 'in play.' I believe the idea of putting the cities into two different districts is legally fraught with complications that have not been vetted. Putting the cities in different districts may result in the board facing lawsuits stemming from agreements that bind the cities on issues of mutual concern.
Be very careful when you vote. I am personally in favor of 5A-1 because if keeps the two cities together and avoids complications that could pose serious legal problems for the BOS for years.
11/21/2021 |
Maria Tysor |
As I’m unable to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on tomorrow, Monday, November 22 I’m hoping this email will reach you instead.
I believe it’s in everyone’s best interest to have commonsense, fair districts. Gerrymandering is something I find highly worrisome and unethical in general. I am hoping Orange County can rise above partisan gerrymandering and do what is truly best for all our communities.
I’ve been a Costa Mesa resident for 20 years and I strongly believe that Map 5A-1 is a far better alternative than the 4C-1 map that splits Costa Mesa in two and divide us from Newport Beach (THE city we share school district with). Not only do we share school district with Newport Beach, there are other parts of our cities that work together incl. SNA, homeless shelters, business districts, etc.
Please do what’s right for Orange County!
11/21/2021 |
Sara Mooney |
I support map 5A1. Keep Costa Mesa together so we're effectively represented.
11/21/2021 |
C "Shammy" Dingus |
I always thought California has independent re-districting, free of gerrymandering. But now, what I’m hearing about the changes proposed for District #2, where I live, makes me feel like gerrymandering is alive and well at the Board of Supervisors in OC!
It’s my understanding that a new altered Supervisory District map was proposed last Friday (Map 4C-1) that splits Newport Beach and Costa Mesa into different districts, drawing a line just one block away from Supervisor Foley’s home and adding that portion of her District #2 into Supervisor Do’s district #1.
Splitting apart the cities of Newport and Costa Mesa makes no sense. The two cities often collaborate on many problems and projects. The other map being voted on (known as 5A-1), at least keeps the Newport-Mesa school district together, the JWA impact area together, as well as a number of other joint project territories including a new homelessness program.
We elected Katrina because she promised more voter access, greater transparency, and oversight. But since Supervisor Foley took office, Supervisor Do has opposed many of her attempts at citizen engagement and transparency — for example prohibiting the county’s public health staff from attending Foley’s townhall meetings to discuss COVID. So I think there’s good reason to believe that Katrina Foley is being targeted in this new gerrymandered map.
It makes me furious to think the BOS can just nullify the votes of all the people who elected Katrina Foley! The board may have the right to, but it would be absolutely wrong. My vote should continue to count.
Please don’t approve a map which splits Newport and Costa Mesa or pushes out recently elected Supervisor Foley, whose constituents’ votes should be respected.
11/21/2021 |
Tiffany Van Drimlen |
Please use map 5A-1 and keep the coastal communities together. It’s the only one that kind of makes some sense.
11/21/2021 |
Rob Bergman |
I am emailing to ask that when you vote on redistricting, please vote Yes on 5A-1 and No on 4C-1.
11/21/2021 |
Laurie Brady |
I am endorsing map 5A-1 because it will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport, plus it keeps the Newport-Mesa School District intact, and ensures that other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected. Map 5A-1 will keep the coastal communities and their shared interests together.
The alternate map 4C-1 is not good for our communities! It would separate Costa Mesa and Newport Beach into different Supervisorial Districts hampering efforts to control JWA growth and splitting long-established interests such as a shared school district, the recently constructed homeless shelter, and our shared coastal and environmental concerns.
Please do what is right for the JWA impacted cities, and vote for 5A -1
11/21/2021 |
Michele Himmelberg |
I am writing as a resident of Irvine and Orange County to share my concerns about redistricting. I strongly support Map 5A1 as the current best option map because it splits the fewest number of cities. I think it is important to keep cities together such as Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, and not to split Huntington Beach, as those cities are very interlinked and share communities of interest including parks, a shared school district, a shared community college district, business districts, and John Wayne airport interests. On all fronts, this is the most balanced and fair map.
I strongly oppose Map 4C1 because it divides communities of interest. This map splits cities that should remain together.
After all of the discussion and input, and now that we are close to finalizing the maps, I was very surprised to see such a suggestion come in very late on Friday. With shared school districts and shared interests regarding John Wayne Airport, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa would be best represented by someone who considers the issues related to these important topics.
Thank you for considering the importance of 5A1 as the better choice for the county and all of us as residents.
11/21/2021 |
Michele H. Farmer |
I am writing as a resident and constituent of your district to share my concerns about redistricting. I strongly support Map 5A1 as the current best option map because it splits the fewest number of cities. I think it is important to keep cities together such as Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, and not to split Huntington Beach, as those cities are very interlinked and share communities of interest including parks, a shared school district, a shared community college district, business districts, and John Wayne airport interests. On all fronts, this is the most balanced and fair map.
I strongly oppose Map 4C1 because it divides communities of interest. This map splits cities that should remain together. Thank you for considering the importance of 5A1 as the better choice for the county and all of us as residents.
11/21/2021 |
Cynthia Grenier |
As an Orange County citizen and voter I request the board support Map 5A-1.
The only map that truly reflects Orange County Communities.
11/21/2021 |
MaryAnn Bruce |
Thank you, Supervisors Doug Chaffee and Lisa Bartlett for proposing Map 5A-1. It is a common sense map that is fair and equitable and keeps the coastal communities together.
Supervisors Katrina Foley, Andrew Do and Donald Wagner, please do the same.
11/21/2021 |
Charlene |
As a 20 plus year resident of Costa Mesa, I ask you to support MAP 5A-1.
Keep our city and the cities we share boundaries and solutions with including Newport Mesa UNIFIED where my husband is a high school math teacher, business interests along 17th Street, the JW airport as well as the successful Bridge Shelter; keep these together.
11/21/2021 |
Nancy Conklin |
Please support map 5A-1 to keep both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa together. It is fair and equitable for all the coastal communities.
11/21/2021 |
Ronne Thielen |
I am writing to endorse map 5A-1 as I believe it is in the best interests of the taxpayers and all citizens of Newport Beach to remain in the same Supervisorial District as it currently is. We have many interests and issues common with Costa Mesa and the other coastal cities. To split us off will hamper governing and messaging of mutual issues and concerns. Newport Beach has long partnered with Costa Mesa on such missions as housing the homeless, providing education to our children and common messaging regarding growth at John Wayne Airport, to name a few. Newport Beach needs to be in partnership with all the OC coastal cities regarding our shared coastal and environmental concerns. I don’t understand the policy driving the proposal in map 4C-1 to separate our city from those with which we have the most commonality. It can’t make sense.
Please consider what is best for our communities and vote for map 5A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Lucy Roberts |
This is unacceptable to change the districts to suit one party! I urge you to be an HONEST POLITICIAN at least once!! This is blatant GERRYMANDERING!!
11/21/2021 |
James Nichols |
Please keep Costa Mesa United!
I support maps 5 and 2A
11/21/2021 |
Joe |
I want to express my support of redistrict map 5A-1 above other proposals. I want to thank Supervisors Chaffee and Bartlett for their support of this map.
11/21/2021 |
Van Pomeroy |
Please use Map #. 2A1.
I live at 1968 Vista Caudal, Newport Beach , any other map or chart makes NO sense.
11/21/2021 |
Suzanne Gauntlett |
I am writing to ask you all the vote “YES” on redistricting “Map 5A-1” at Monday’s Redistricting Special Meeting. As a long time Orange County resident, like many of us, I have witness the amazing changes that our county has seen over the last 5 decades from land use, to economics to demographics to culturally and most of us have benefitted and prospered from these changes. And now is the time to ensure that all our community members are fairly and equitably able to vote in the districts in which the live.
I have watched live the last few board meetings where the public has made comments and read many of the comments that have been sent into the board and I believe of the two maps before you on Monday, that Map 5A-1 is without a doubt the most equitable and fair map. This map addresses the Voting Rights Act Law as well as all the other requirements of redistricting.
Map 5A-1 keeps my community of Newport – Mesa together, as they have been since the very beginning. The Newport- Mesa community has had the Newport-Mesa Unified School District since 1966 – 55 years! My husband’s parents bought their Costa Mesa home in Newport Heights in 1966, so my husband could attend their schools ~ which were all in Newport Beach – Ensign Middle School and Newport Harbor High School.
This area of Newport-Mesa and 17th Street/Newport Blvd has become a landmark business hub for both cities and over the years has only become more important to our community. Additionally, the cities share a homeless shelter, a Community College District, joint use agreements with parks, water district…and importantly they have always been together representing the citizens in all airport issues!
So, I am asking you all vote “YES” for “Map 5A-1” as the best, fairest and most equitable redistricting map before you!
11/21/2021 |
Nigel Bress |
Dear Supervisors,
I am a Newport Beach, Orange County Resident,
Did you know we had a “Incident” near miss on Labor day, Sept 6th, 2021 @ 3:42pm. Below is the video where a Southwest commercial aircraft departed JWA on a smooth departure, when a GA General Aviation Corporate Jet took after right after the Southwest and was in NON COMPLIANCE of Federal speed regulations for JWA / Class C Airspace FAR 91.117 both parts (a) and (b) and over Balboa Island / Balboa Peninsula had to take evasive maneuvers to the right to avoid running into the back of the Southwest. The “Close in to Commercial” are the same conditions on an arrival that caused the In-N-Out jet to crash and kill 5 people. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-12-17-mn-2813-story.html
VIDEO : Here is the Video : https://youtu.be/bW9yi4Zg44I
I am writing in support of Map 5A-1 as it keeps cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach and Costa Mesa remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise and increase safety in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
City of Newport Beach and residents of impacted cities are working with Supervisor Foley to enact a JWA FLY FRIENDLY PROGRAM that will monitor each and every flight daily and categorize those flights and work to reduced noise and increase safety in our communities by making sure the FAA is aware of Non Compliance of Federal speed regulations in Class C airspace 91.117 (a) and (b) at JWA.
Map 5A-1 helps us to continue this work on behalf of our communities.
Below is a graphic that illustrates the Sept 6th flight that could have been a catastrophe for District 2 and Orange County

Map 5A-1 will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport.
Map 5A-1 also does the following :
Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact
Our Communities are bound together inextricably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
- Shared school district in Newport Mesa
- Shared Airport Issues
- Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
- Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
- Shared contracts for services and coordination
- Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
- Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM
- Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
I am asking that you please vote in favor of Map 5A-1
11/21/2021 |
Mel Beale |
Airport Working Group of Orange County |
Please see attached letter submitted for inclusion in Public Comments for Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Session on November 22, 2021.
“Agenda item #1- Public Hearing to consider input on proposed 2021 Redistricting Maps; adopt map and direct staff to prepare ordinance for approval at 12/7/21 meeting”
If you could provide copies of the letter to the supervisors, our organization would be very appreciative.
11/21/2021 |
Guy L. Kirkpatrick |
Redistricting should be to promote everybody’s right to vote….not to promote one party‘s power over another’s. The American Taliban and Trump fascism does not need to run this country….. qualified leaders voted in by legitimate elections need to run this country and county.
11/21/2021 |
Cheryl Jones |
Please keep Newport Beach and Costa Mesa together in 5A-1. We need strength to fight the expansion of the airport.
11/21/2021 |
Margaret Mooney |
I am writing to demand that the BOS accept redistricting map 5A-1 . This map will keep the coastal cities together and strengthen the ties they have formed in the shared school district, work with JWA, the new homeless shelter, a shared business district and the diversity of the County. Redistricting map 5A-1 needs to be approved by the BOS.
11/21/2021 |
Jude Lubandi |
I am writing to support the 5A1 Map. Costa Mesa needs to be kept in tact. Map 5A1 keeps common interests represented by one supervisor. This map keeps the Newport Mesa school district together and keeps John Wayne impacted communities together.
11/21/2021 |
Charles Mooney |
Please keep Costa Mesa united. I support map 5A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Maureen Mehler |
I thought we in California had determined that gerrymandering was not democratic. Please do your job and make sure you live up to our ideals. None of the redistricting maps supported by nonprofit groups or community public comments were the ones advanced and modified by the Supervisors.
- The maps most popular with other community groups are no longer a viable option.
- Supervisors instead advanced two maps put forward by supervisors Do and Chaffee, with additional changes that were made public for the first time on Friday, November 19.
- These last-minute changes to the maps were given the bare minimum public notice time required under state law of only three. The final maps will be decided on Monday, November 22 at a special meeting at 1pm.
- Do’s proposal modifies Map 4 (a map that community groups considered to be the least equitable map all). This Map also moves Supervisor Katrina Foley into a district that is not up for reelection for another three years, making her ineligible to hold office as a supervisor from December 2022 through the election in November 2024.
Representatives from American Civil Liberties Union and People’s Redistricting Alliance alleged Tuesday that several of the maps proposed by supervisors – including Map 4C1- illegally involve partisan gerrymandering.
11/21/2021 |
Dennis Bress |
Dear Supervisors,
I am Dennis Bress, a Newport Beach, Orange County Resident,
Did you know we had a “Incident” near miss on Labor day, Sept 6th, 2021 @ 3:42pm. Below is the video where a Southwest commercial aircraft departed JWA on a smooth departure, when a GA General Aviation Corporate Jet took after right after the Southwest and was in NON COMPLIANCE of Federal speed regulations for JWA / Class C Airspace FAR 91.117 both parts (a) and (b) and over Balboa Island / Balboa Peninsula had to take evasive maneuvers to the right to avoid running into the back of the Southwest. The “Close in to Commercial” are the same conditions on an arrival that caused the In-N-Out jet to crash and kill 5 people. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-12-17-mn-2813-story.html
VIDEO : Here is the Video : https://youtu.be/bW9yi4Zg44I
I am writing in support of Map 5A-1 as it keeps cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach and Costa Mesa remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise and increase safety in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
We are working with Supervisor Foley to enact a JWA FLY FRIENDLY PROGRAM that will monitor each and every flight daily and categorize those flights and work to reduced noise and increase safety in our communities by making sure the FAA is aware of Non Compliance of Federal speed regulations in Class C airspace 91.117 (a) and (b) at JWA.
Map 5A-1 helps us to continue this work on behalf of our communities.
Below is a graphic that illustrates the Sept 6th flight that could have been a catastrophe for District 2 and Orange County

Map 5A-1 will ensure that the JWA-impacted cities remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport.
Map 5A-1 also does the following :
Costa Mesa Needs to Be Kept in Tact
Our Communities are bound together inextricably….”Newport Mesa” has always shared so many mutual interests since it’s founding.
- Shared school district in Newport Mesa
- Shared Airport Issues
- Shared Homeless Shelter and Coordination
- Shared Business Districts on 17th Street and throughout
- Shared contracts for services and coordination
- Parts of “Newport Beach” were once located in what is currently Costa Mesa
- Will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as island between Fountain Valley and CM
- Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will have the strongest representation at 32.2%
I am asking that you please vote in favor of Map 5A-1
Thank you.
11/21/2021 |
Lindsey Basart |
I am unable to attend in person to provide community feedback on proposed mapping. Please let this email serve as my commentary and input. I am emailing in support of Map 5A-1.
As a Costa Mesa resident and parent it is important to keep my city together under one district. Besides keeping the city intact, keeping all of Costa Mesa in a district with Newport aligns with the school district boundaries, community issues like the airport, as well as business districts such as Eastside/17th street.
11/21/2021 |
Linda Law |
It is so important that the Board of Supervisor districts reflect the diversity of Orange County. Please support map 5A-1. Thank you.
11/21/2021 |
Joni and John Nichols |
Dear Board of Supervisors,
We are reaching out to you all in the belief that your objective is to represent the needs of every constituent in Orange County.
Voting is an essential right and one tremendously influenced by redistricting. No denying that! So my challenge to you is that you make your decisions in a non-partisan manner and determine the map that is most fair to all concerned.
Why divide Supervisor Katrina Foley's district in a way that won't allow her to run again for another 2 years? How does that serve the people who energetically voted her into office? Please do not divide the City of Costa Mesa, where she has done so much to work on the issues of homelessness, airport, health and well being. We are residents n her district and more than pleased with her efforts!!
Map 5A-1 allows Costa Mesa to remain intact.. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa have mutual interests in the shared business districts on 17th Street and also share the issue of airport noise & pollution.. Both cities work together on issues of homelessness. They share a school district too. Any decision by the Board to divide these cities is one that fails to best serve the residents
My understanding is that Map 5A-1 better serves the interests of Asian American Pacific Islanders as well. What an opportunity for you all to make the right choice!
In our opinion, it makes sense to select a map that will allow for more community cooperation rather than divisiveness. There is far too much division in our world today, and we prefer a sense of community.
11/21/2021 |
Cathey and Bob Ryder |
After careful consideration, of the two remaining maps, that are being considered , we support map 5A1. It will keep communities together that share resources and concerns. It reflects the need to represent all of Orange County.
We urge a yes vote on 5A1 with the necessary technical corrections be adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
11/21/2021 |
Julie Suchard |
OC Board of Supervisors:
I am writing to you in support of Map 5A-1 with technical corrections..
The advantages of adopting this map are as follows:
-Keeps Costa Mesa with Newport Beach, which helps with advocacy for the Newport Mesa School District
-Stakeholders at John Wayne Airport are kept in one district
-Business Districts on 17th street are kept under one supervisor.
-Serves the interests of the Vietnamese community who will be in a district with 32.2%
-Keeps coastal cities with similar interests together, which means that they are better served by local governments.
Avoids lawsuits. If a supervisor is gerrymandered out of her district by partisan interests, the County will be sued and tax payers will ultimately have to pay for it.
As a taxpayer and voter, I am sick of Republicans not offering good proposals but trying to keep their power by gerrymandering. This is a democracy. Supervisors should not be choosing their voters to retain power.
11/21/2021 |
Anita Marie Tsaasan |
Dear Board and whom it may concern,
Our extended family rent+own, and our children attend school, in Aliso Viejo. We are healthcare and park service workers, K-12 teachers (I teach at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa) and a retired defense contractor.
We support map 5A-1.
Please vote for 5A-1.
11/21/2021 |
Diana Black |
I am in favor of supporting map 5A-1 for re-districting.
11/21/2021 |
Charles Klobe |
Still Protecting Our Newport |
Please find attached a letter from Still Protecting Our Newport (SPON).
11/20/2021 |
Jacqui Genow |
I am emailing today is support of Map 5A-1 that is fair, equitable and keeps coastal communities together.
I can only imagine one reason any members of the board would propose splitting the city of Costa Mesa up. And that reason, I imagine, would be followed by a lawsuit.
Keeping Costa Mesa in tact and with Newport Beach makes sense since they share a schools district, business district, services contracts, and so much more.
While neither advanced map is ideal, 5A-1 at least makes sense.
11/20/2021 |
Pam and Doug Carrie |
Dear Board of Supervisors,
Although we live in Laguna Niguel and Supervisor Lisa Bartlett is our excellent Supervisor, we feel that you all represent the needs of every constituent in Orange County, and that is why we are writing to you today.
Voting is one of the essential rights that you control as you determine redistricting. Please make your decisions in a non-partisan manner and determine the map that is most fair to all concerned.
Since Supervisor Katrina Foley was just elected by the will of the people, we see no reason to divide up her district in a way that will not allow her to run again. Please do not divide the City of Costa Mesa, where Mrs. Foley has done so much to work on the issues of homelessness. Homelessness is a very important issue to everyone in OC.
Map 5A-1 allows Costa Mesa to remain intact. Also, parts of Newport Beach were once located in what is now Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa have mutual interests in the shared business districts on 17th Street and also share the issue of airport noise. Again, both cities work together on issues of homelessness. Another important aspect is that Map 5A-1 better serves the interests of Asian American Pacific Islanders, who have a strong representation in these communities.
Additionally, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa share a school district in Newport Mesa, as well as contracts for services and coordination.
Map 5A-1 will not leave Huntington Beach isolated as an island between Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa.
In our opinion, it makes sense to select a map that will allow for more community cooperation rather than divisiveness. There is far too much division in our world today, and we prefer a sense of community.
11/20/2021 |
Mohammed Ghazi |
I am endorsing 5A-1
11/20/2021 |
Marla Heath |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
Ruth Evans |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1
11/20/2021 |
Roberta Lessor |
We are strongly support map 5A-1. We live on the Back Bay under the flight path and I want a supervisor of my district who is attentive to the needs of constituents most impacted by JWA
11/20/2021 |
Elizabeth Kennedy |
I am endorsing map 5A-1 because it will ensure that Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, the two most JWA-impacted cities, remain in the same Supervisorial District as the airport. Historically, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach have been in the same district, and map 5A-1 will keep the two cities together, as well as keep the Newport-Mesa school district in-tact and ensure that other partnership projects, such as the newly constructed homeless shelter, are not affected.
11/20/2021 |
Julie A. Mattson |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
Laurie Smith |
I have been following the redistricting process for the county and am writing to express my support for maps 4c1abd 5c1.
Thank you for documenting my support for MAPS 4C1 and 5C1.
11/20/2021 |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
David Frazer |
I support Map 5a1
I vote!!!
11/20/2021 |
Kathy Frazer |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
Kathy Frazer |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
Mary Anne Emett |
I support map 5a1
11/20/2021 |
Paul Kanter |
I support maps 4c1 & 5c1.
11/20/2021 |
Ted Engard |
I strongly support maps 4c1 and 5c1.
11/19/2021 |
Andrew Ntzouras |
I support maps 4c1 and 5c1.
11/19/2021 |
Karen Lawson |
I write in support of proposed Map 5A-Revision 1 with technical corrections. The cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa must be kept together.
11/19/2021 |
Gay Royer |
I have heard that one of the plans is to separate Costa Mesa, and I am most definitely opposed to this. Please do not break up cities
11/19/2021 |
Michael Blackwell |
I support maps 4C1 and 5c1.
11/19/2021 |
Carol Cognito |
I support 4c1 and 5c1.