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CategoryName of Form
Assessment Appeals

Appeal Your Property Value (On-Line Appeal Application Form) 
Assessment Appeal Application Form Fill-In (BOE-305-AH)

 Comparable Sales Worksheet
 Economic Unit - Multi Application (AH-305M)
 Orange County Assessment Appeals Subpoena Request Form (COB316)

Agent's Authorization (Filed with Initial Application) Fill In (COB305A)

Agent's Revocation or Substitution (BOE-305-R)

 Confirmation of Appearance at AAB Hearing (Form 319) for 2014 PDF

Confirmation of Appearance at AAB Hearing Fill-In (Form 319) for 2014 PDF
 Request to Reopen Form Fill-In (COB 318)

Request to Reopen Form (COB 318)
 Waiver Agreement (Revenue & Taxation Section 1604c) Fill-In (COB311) (Cancellation Policy)

Waiver Agreement (Revenue & Taxation Section 1604c) (COB311) (Cancellation Policy)
 Withdrawal Form Word Doc Fill-In
 Withdrawal Form Adobe PDF Fill-In

Withdrawal Form Adobe PDF Blank
 45-Day Waiver of Notice of Hearing Form Fill-In (COB307) (Note: This form must be completed by Applicant/Agent and Assessor.)

45-Day Waiver of Notice of Hearing Form (COB307) (Note: This form must be completed by Applicant/Agent and Assessor.)
 Request for Change of Address Fill-In (COB315)

Request for Change of Address (COB315)
Note: Use one of the forms above to inform the Orange County Clerk of the Board of the change to your mailing address for notices related to your pending assessment Appeal Application.  

You should also consider notifying the Orange County Assessor Department of the change to your mailing address for billing and notice purposes.  Orange County Assessor Change of Address web page.
Application to Boards, Commissions and Committees                                                                                                               BCC Application Adobe PDF (This is NOT the Assessment Appeal Application)
Claims for Money or Damages against the County of OrangeClaim for Money or Damages Word Doc 

Claim for Money or Damages Adobe PDF
Claims for Refund for Overpayment of Taxes and/or
Refund of Penalties for Late Payment of Taxes Paid
Create New Claim Form

Claim for Refund of Taxes and/or Penalties (PDF)

Check Your Claim Status
Airport Fire Claims

Airport Fire Claims (Online Claim Application Form)

Submitted Claims Forms for Airport Fire as of 03/21/2025

Public Records Request                                                                                                              Public Records Request Word Doc

Public Records Request Adobe PDF

Public Records Request (Web Link)