11/18/2021 |
Elena Greville |
I am writing in support of a fully independent process with regard to redistricting. Please do not target a political party or political figure.
11/17/2021 |
Bev Sansone |
As a resident of Orange county, I am very concerned about the upcoming redistricting vote. I am in favor of the creation of a majority Latino district, as is true of the two major maps. I am concerned about Proposal 4C1 map, however, as it separates Costa Mesa from Newport Beach. These two cities are linked in several ways beyond just being neighbors. They share a school district as well as a homeless shelter. They are used to working together and have been able to accomplish mutual goals.
I feel Proposal 5A1 fits the needs of the community while creating fair districts for the County.
11/17/2021 |
Karen and Bruce Clark |
We are Newport Beach residents and support plan 5A-1.
11/17/2021 |
Costa Mesa City Council |
Costa Mesa City Council Resolution regarding redistricting
11/17/2021 |
Alice Apkarian |
I oppose any redistricting that divides my city, Irvine. Splitting us between districts only serves to diminish our community voice. We are a community. Leave us intact.
11/17/2021 |
Ellen Lapointe |
I urge the OC Board of Supervisors to adopt redistricting maps that will keep the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa - wholly - in a district with John Wayne Airport. I do not know enough to urge approval of a specific proposed map, nor do I know how to best represent the many interests expressed by residents throughout OC, but I hope the Board will keep communities of interest (eg. NB & CM, Placentia & Yorba Linda) together and try to keep as many cities as possible whole within the five supervisorial districts. Thank you.
11/17/2021 |
Sue Quam |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/17/2021 |
Harry Mangalam |
As a resident of Irvine (University Hills, 92617), I object to the proposed Map 4C1 as it violates the California Fair Maps Act regarding politically targeting a sitting candidate.
This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps.
The map also unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts. This makes little sense - if at all possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district.
I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
V. Ara Apkarian |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1.
This map artificially splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts. Diversity of a city population should not be split based on any differential consideration, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district.
I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Mark Hopkins |
One of the proposed re-districting maps proposes to remove Newport Beach from the district that John Wayne Airport is in.
Out 647 homes are directly under the takeoff flight path of all departing aircraft, and the noise diminishes our quality of life and property values. We are very impacted by this airport and if we are cut out of the supervisorial district that also includes the airport, our input and voices are further weakened.
I am urging you to vote / press for acceptance of Revised Map Proposal 2A1 which is appropriate to provide our homeowners (who live within 1/4 mile of the end of the takeoff runway) with input and a voice designed to reduce takeoff noise at John Wayne Airport now, and in the future.
I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A-1 because it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District so that their interests may be properly and appropriately represented.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards.
Mark Hopkins
301 Esperanza.
Newport Beach, NA 92705
11/16/2021 |
Hildy Meyers |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Carla Montgomery |
It has come to my attention that there is a possibility that the city of Costa Mesa in district 2 will be split and separated into a different district. I feel since I live in the city of Costa Mesa that it would be inappropriate to split my city and put half of it in a different district. I feel this would cause much confusion and further complicate things in my city.
Thank you
11/16/2021 |
Lu and Tom Baker |
We are residents of Newport Beach.
We support Proposed Map 2A‐1 because it provides the most equitable and fair option for Orange County at large. Proposal 2A-1 defines Districts which avoid City splitting except when appropriate, combine communities with similar interests, contain a significant Latino District, contain a significant Asian District and appear to be nonpartisan.
I am strongly in opposition to Proposed Map 4C-1. It separates Costa Mesa and Newport Beach which are coupled with a school district, a Homeless Shelter and issues about John Wayne Airport, removes Laguna Beach from contiguous coastal communities and places a section of Huntington Beach in District 5.
Lu and Tom Baker
11/16/2021 |
Joyce Ahn |
OC Korean US Citizens League |
Since we weren’t allowed inside the chambers today, I wanted to share this with you. This photo should speak for itself. We, the Korean Americans urge you to vote for 5A or 5B. Thank you.
Joyce Ahn
President, OC Korean US Citizens League

11/16/2021 |
Bonnie Robinson |
Supervisors Do, Chaffee, Foley, Wagner, and Bartlett,
The Board of Supervisors has a responsibility to represent all residents of Orange County with equity. Therefore:
- Avoid dividing cities into more than one district for a more responsive and cohesive relationship between cities, their residents and the County of Orange.
- 2. Neighborhoods of ethnic, linguistic and religious minority groups should not be divided in such a way that their voices and interests are lost, resulting in no representation. The great diversity of Orange County brings a benefit of richness and multiple perspectives to our county and everyone deserves to have their voices heard.
11/16/2021 |
Natalie Rokos |
I support redistricting map 2A-1 as being the most inclusive and equitable map brought forth for redistricting.
11/16/2021 |
Linda May |
I am a 25 year resident of Silverado and have been active in the community, serving on the Parks Board, the Inter Canyon League, and other volunteer groups.
Please keep these canyons together with their logical related communities. Please do not approve any map that puts Silverado and the other canyons in a district that reaches Los Angeles.
Maps 5 and 5A keeps our canyons with neighboring communities and also best embraces keeping ethnic communities and city boundaries county wide.
11/16/2021 |
Susan Klein |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1.
I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act by politically targeting a sitting candidate. The map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district.
I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Van Jacobsen |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/16/2021 |
Senait Forthal |
Dear OC Board of Supervisors,
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Calvin Capelle |
As a resident of San Juan Capistrano, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Michael Capelle |
As a resident of San Juan Capistrano, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Sarah Hunter |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Amabel Capelle |
As a resident of San Juan Capistrano, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Sarah Hunter |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts, and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Bob Moosmann |
I think it is not right to move so quickly on such a large issue for the county. Most especially since the proposed redistricting would remove the most impacted city from any further discussion. Talk about alienating the voters and sowing seeds of ......
11/16/2021 |
11/16/2021 |
Robert Hunter |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Annamaria Ferree |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Anne Caenn |
I’m a resident of Orange County and I object to the proposed Map 4C1. This map violates the California Fair Maps Act in political link targeting a sitting candidate. Please vote NO on Map 4C1.
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities together as possible.
11/16/2021 |
Alan Boinus |
I am a 32-year resident of Orange County. I am writing in strong SUPPORT FOR MAP 5 AND 2A-A and to express my strong OBJECTION TO MAP 4C1.
Map 4C1 is concerning because:
• It unreasonably splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts – Cities should remain in the same supervisor district for obvious reasons, unless there is reasonable justification otherwise. Map 4C1 provides no reasonable justification
• Has the appearance of gerrymandering in likely violation of the California Fair Maps Act .
• Appears to be politically motivated, as it writes out a sitting supervisor from her own district, in apparent violation of the California Fair Maps Act
• Unreasonably dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation that may face Constitutional challenges
• Is not above reproach and will likely face costly court challenges at the expense of the taxpayer
The Board of Supervisors should vote NO on Map 4C1 and SUPPORT Map 5 and 2 A-1.
11/16/2021 |
Barbara Schilling |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Catherine Liu |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1
11/16/2021 |
Maureen Ramer |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/16/2021 |
Suzanne Gauntlett |
After reviewing the 133 page redistricting document posted this morning, I am writing you to support Proposal Map 2A-1.
The law requires that a number of criteria must be met and Proposal 2A-1 provides, in my opinion, the fairest option that creates and inclusive, equitable, and defensible Voting Rights Act and Fair Maps Act compliant map that ensures all regions of Orange County are justly represented.
It also provides that the cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach remain intact as well as leaving the Newport- Mesa Unified School District whole as well.
Please support Proposal 2A-1 at your Board of Supervisors meeting today November 16, 2021 and again on Monday November 22, 2021.
11/16/2021 |
Adriana Briscoe |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Kim Huxman |
I live in Irvine and strongly object to the proposed redistricting Map41C because it violates the California Fair Maps Act. Map41C politically targets a sitting candidate and dilutes the Latino and API representation more than the other proposed maps. Finally, the map splits apart cities into different supervisor districts.
Please vote NO on Map 41C.
11/16/2021 |
Dianne Jones |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
- Satisfies all state and federal law, and
- Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/16/2021 |
Hillary Postman |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Gregory Weiss |
I'm writing as a resident of Irvine to strongly oppose the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the minority group representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Linda Tacy |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Anonymous |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Carolyn Shammy Dingus |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Joan Nichols |
All of Costa Mesa needs to remain as one district and the cities most affected by JWA (Costa Mesa and Newport Beach) need to be in the same supervisorial district.
Since Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach share coastline they need to be included too.
I am.opposed to Map 4 C1; it is both inequitable and disenfranchises certain communities of concern.
Which map do I think best? Map 5 which is supported by the ACLU of southern California, OCAPICA and the UCLA Voting Right Project.
11/16/2021 |
Pam and Doug Carrie |
As a residents of Orange County, we would like to voice our strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1 We believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and we believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. We strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
We support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
Thank you for taking our opinions into consideration.
11/16/2021 |
Anne Gordinier |
Please do not vote for Map 4C1. It is not equitable and disenfranchises certain communities of interest. It targets a sitting member of the board, violating the California Fair Maps Act and it splits 14 cities.
The best, and most equitable map is map 5. We are counting on you to makes sure all OC communities are represented fairly.
11/16/2021 |
Susan Tate |
I am writing in support of revised map 2A (2A-1) because it meets all the criteria of state and federal law and keeps the city of Costa Mesa intact.
More importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by JWA remain within a contiguous district, which I believe is in the best interest of all the residents in those cities.
11/16/2021 |
Jone Pearce |
I strongly disagree with the proposed Map 4C1. This map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate and invites expensive law suits that I will have to pay for. Also, this map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1
11/16/2021 |
Nancy Conklin |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/16/2021 |
Robin Buck |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Mary Julienne |
Please do not change the district within Map 4C-1 as it dilutes the AAPI community and reduces out district representation. This is not a move that I support and as a voter I will make sure to vote against anyone supporting this redistricting. I am a community member since 1968 and have voted each and every time since attaining voting age.
11/16/2021 |
Carol and Roger Nilsen |
Dear Supervisors,
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/16/2021 |
Jessica Pratt |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/16/2021 |
Karol Gottfredson |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1.
I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps.
Lastly, this map
unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district.
I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
Please show integrity and avoid politically motivated redistricting.
11/16/2021 |
Laura Oatman |
Letter of Support of Proposed Map 2A‐1 - OC Redistricting
Several proposals are worthwhile, but one: Proposal 2A‐1 seems to provide the most fair and equitable option for Orange County.
- Proposal 2A‐1 complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act by creating a Latino Minority Majority District in Central Orange County.
- Proposal 2A‐1 creates a Non‐Hispanic Asian Plurality District in Western Orange County.
- Proposal 2A‐I does not bypass areas of population to favor more distant populations 4. Proposal 2A‐1 is contiguous and compact.
- Proposal 2A‐l unites communities of interest (social, cultural, economic, environmental, and educational).
- Proposal 2A‐1 reduces city splits and only considers city splits when bringing together a community of interest or balancing population.
- Proposal 2A‐1 appears as not drawn for purposes of favoring or discriminating against political parties, incumbents, or political candidates.
Proposal 2A‐1 ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport (JWA) remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Newport Beach ‐‐ remain in the same Supervisorial District.
Proposal 2A‐1 creates an inclusive, equitable, and defensible Voting Rights Act and Fair Maps Act compliant map that ensures all regions of Orange County are fairly represented.
Please support Proposal 2A‐1 on Tuesday 11/16/21 and Monday 11/22/21.
11/15/2021 |
Alexandria Helmer |
I am a resident of Huntington Beach and I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
- Satisfies all state and federal law, and
- Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Wendy Leece |
Please do not SPLIT up COSTA MESA into different Supervisorial districts.
We are one unified CITY.
You will be creating an unnecessary burden on citizens and cause confusion.
Citizens already have to remember districts and boundaries for city council, NMUSD, sanitary and water, plus State assembly, State senate and Congress.
Do no add another burden! Keep COSTA MESA WHOLE!
11/15/2021 |
Debra Quam |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/15/2021 |
Naz Hamid |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my objection to proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly support map 5 and strongly oppose map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Francine Jacome |
As a resident of Newport Beach, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Audrey Prosser |
As a resident of Huntington Beach, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/15/2021 |
Cathey Ryder |
I have studied all of the proposed maps. I support maps 5 and 2-A1.
11/15/2021 |
Patricia McNally |
I am in favor of the redistricting plan 2A-1 because it meets state and federal criteria and keeps the close knot cities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach Laguna Beach in the same district
11/15/2021 |
Kirby Adams |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Michele Guindani |
Gerrymandering is the last desperate option of those that do not have the support of the People. It basically highlights the idea that citizens have no input in America today. However, don't expect that to be always the case. History has set his trend, and any advantage one may obtain today, they are set to lose without appeal in a few years.
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my forceful objection to the proposed Map 4C1. This map clearly violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts. That's utterly senseless and contrary to any logic of good government. Where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly request the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Mohammed Ghazi |
I support revised map 2A-1
11/15/2021 |
Carol Crane |
Newport Mesa Unified School District School Board |
Dear Chairman Do and Honorable Members of the Board of Supervisors,
Last week, I had written to you regarding the redistricting process. My main appeal then, as you were deliberating, was to highly encourage you to retain Newport Beach and Costa Mesa in the same Supervisorial District. A separation of the two cities would create grave administrative repercussions for NMUSD and its families.
Tonight, and with the creation of new redistricting map options, I am reaching out once again in order to maintain my previous argument from above (of keeping Newport Beach and Costa Mesa together under one District) AND to further request that you adopt Proposal 2A1 for additional reasons enumerated below:
Proposal 2A-1ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – including Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ‐‐ remain in the same Supervisorial District. Numerous NMUSD schools are under the flight path of John Wayne Airport-which creates a plethora of communities of interest who are affected by the airport, thus creating the need for representation at the County Supervisorial level. Proposal 2A-1 would achieve this goal
Proposal 2A‐1creates an inclusive, equitable, and defensible Voting Rights Act and Fair Maps Act compliant map that ensures all regions of Orange County are fairly represented.
Thank you for your consideration of adopting Map Proposal 2A-1 and thank you for your civil service.
Best Regards,
Carol Crane
Newport Mesa Unified School District School Board Trustee- Area 3
11/15/2021 |
Frederick Crim |
I am a resident of Huntington Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Priscilla Huang |
As an Orange County resident, I would like to voice my objection to proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes Asian American and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly support map 5 and strongly oppose map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Stephanie Bernardy |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Gary Crane |
Please do not vote for Map 4C1. It does not provide equitable representation and it will be disruptive to communities of interest. Thank you for your consideration.
11/15/2021 |
Rose Lee Jordan |
Dear Sirs;
These new maps that have been drawn are not fair or legal. These maps will end up in a lawsuit!
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/15/2021 |
Kelly Davis |
First, gerrymandering is for losers. Period.
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
Thank you. Btw, Trump lost.
11/15/2021 |
Bob Hartman |
Dear Sirs;
As a resident of Laguna Beach and Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1. Keep Costa Mesa and all cities intact and complete wherever possible!
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
Thank you,
Bob Hartman
Laguna Beach. CA 92651
11/15/2021 |
Ulrike Luderer |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1
11/15/2021 |
Partisan Gerrymandering |
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Claudia Benavente |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Mika Savani |
As a resident of Santa Ana,I would like to voice my objection to proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly support map 5 and strongly oppose map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Rob Selway |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
• Satisfies all state and federal law, and
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Charles Victorio |
I live in Irvine. I want map 5 because we need to follow the Voting Rights Act and California Fair Maps Act and we should not dilute the latino votes. Map 5 is supported by the ACLU of Southern California, Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) and the UCLA Voting Rights Project.
11/15/2021 |
Anonymous |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and want JWA to remain in the same district as the citizens who are the most impacted by daily airport operations.
The revised Map Proposal (2A) satisfies all state and federal law, and ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a
contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Kristy Hanselman |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Judy Stamm |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.”
I support Map 5 and 2 A-1. Both of these maps give a voice to a large AAPI Community as well as the Latino Community and keep as many Cities as possible together.
11/15/2021 |
Maya Matkin |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Carole Uhlaner |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1
11/15/2021 |
Anonymous |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and own residential property in Costa Mesa. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
• Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
• Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Michael McNally |
I am an Irvine resident and I am voicing my strong objection to the proposed redistricting Map 4C1. This map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate and also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. This map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts when cities, where ever possible, should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Canyon Lew |
Dear Board of Supervisors, I want to thank you for listening to the public as you redraw the county supervisor lines. I strongly support map 5 because it keeps the most communities of interest together. I strongly oppose map 4c1 because I believe that it violates the CA Fair Maps Act and it breaks up too many cities. Thank you.
Canyon Lew
11/15/2021 |
Susan Lew |
As a resident of Newport Beach, I support map 5 because it makes the most sense for natural communities of interest and keeps the most cities together. I strongly oppose plan 4c1 because it unecessarily breaks up so many cities, and I believe that cities should be kept together when possible. Thank you.
11/15/2021 |
Nancy Alston |
Still Protecting Our Newport (SPON) |
I am a longtime resident of Newport Beach and an community activist.
I am writing because I support Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1)
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are by far the cities most impacted by John Wayne Airport. In fact, the plane departure path down Back Bay affects both cities. Thus, the two cities should remain in the same contiguous Supervisory District. To even consider separating JWA from these cities seems strangely bizarre considering that Newport Beach is the ONLY city that is a signer on the Settlement Agreement in Orange County. Eastside Costa Mesa has also been active in efforts to mitigate aviation’s effect.
Of equal importance, the coastal cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach have much in common by their very proximity to the beach/ocean and should remain together in the same district because of their common interests.
11/15/2021 |
Patrick Guidotti |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong support to the proposed Map 4C1. Very well thought out! I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote YES on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Linda Ly |
As a resident of North Tustin, I would like to voice my objection to proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the AAPI and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly support map 5 and strongly oppose map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
David Brodbeck |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Summer Bailey |
I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A-1 as first choice and Map 5 as a second choice.
2A-1 Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
2A-1 Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
2A-1 Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District.
It is VITAL that the cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
11/15/2021 |
Judy Kaufman |
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Roberta Lessor |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and own my home. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because, importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Kristen Jamet |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Bonnie Eastman |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts, and I believe that, where possible, cities should remain in the same supervisor district. There are obviously common interests shared by residents of each city. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to VOTE NO ON MAP 4 C1.
11/15/2021 |
Frederic Jamet |
As a resident of Dana Point, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Sue Ellen OConnor |
I would like to ask the board to support map 5. After studying the various maps (which wasn't easy,) I think Map 5 is the most inclusive of the various communities). I would also like to state that map 4C1 is by far the most, off the rails. It does not to adhere to the laws of creating fair and equal districts.
11/15/2021 |
Nina Macdonald |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps.
Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Nigel Bress |
I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A-1 as first choice and Map 5 as a second choice.
2A-1 Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
2A-1 Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
2A-1 Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District.
It is VITAL that the cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
11/15/2021 |
Dennis Bress |
I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A-1 as first choice and Map 5 as a second choice.
2A-1 Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
2A-1 Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
2A-1 Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District.
It is VITAL that the cities most impacted by JWA John Wayne Airport – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District so that collectively we can continue to work to reduce noise in these communities as they are directly impacted by JWA.
11/15/2021 |
Susan Anderson |
As an Irvine resident, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act by politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. In addition, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts; I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Kia Westhead |
Dear Orange County Board of Supervisors,
I am a resident of Orange County and have seen several redistricting proposals put forth. I am especially concerned about Map4C1. I am objecting to this map because it appears to politically target a sitting candidate thus violating the California Fair Maps Act. In addition, it splits 14 cities among the supervisor districts. Cities should be kept together where possible. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Julia Gomez |
ACLU of Southern California |
Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors:
Attached please find correspondence regarding the supervisorial redistricting process.
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Manoj Kaplinghat |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Cathy Han |
As a resident of Newport Beach since 1976, I would like to express my objection to the proposed Map 4C-1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. The proposed map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Finally, this map splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that cities should be in the same supervisor district if possible. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C-1.
11/15/2021 |
Crista Martin |
As a resident of San Clemente and an investor in a company headquartered in Costa Mesa, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Beth Ullem |
Chairman Do,
I am a resident of Orange County for many years and I live in San Juan Capistrano. I would like to voice my concerns about the transparency of this process to the public and note my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1.
I believe map 4C1 clearly violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate and will provide legal challenge in Orange County which costs us as taxpayers money and does not encourage trust in our government and its processes. I also think that this map dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps and it is important for the ethnic communities in Orange County to be able to have a connected voice in our county government. Lastly, Map 4C1 map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1 and to consider how to keep cities together and not target specific candidates in the redistricting process.
I favor map 5 as I think it is the most fair, fully representative of all groups and does not split many cities.
Thank you for your consideration. The Board of Supervisors is essential to our community and I hope that its redistricting can be managed in a transparent and fair process.
11/15/2021 |
Sean Duby |
I am a homeowner in Newport Beach. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
• Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
• Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous supervisorial district. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by pollution, noise and traffic from JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same supervisorial district.
11/15/2021 |
Erin Crane |
I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
- Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
- Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous supervisorial district. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by pollution, noise and traffic from JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same supervisorial district.
11/15/2021 |
Jim Mosher |
Of the 13 or so maps under consideration on November 16, Map 4a is the only one that, by the drawing of a line that seems quite arbitrary and unnatural, completely separates the County's John Wayne Airport property from all residents impacted by the typical southbound departures from it.
In November 8 comments, the UCLA Voting Rights Project provided reasons unrelated to this for rejecting this map.
In the unlikely event that Map 4a becomes a finalist, the fact that there is no population on the JWA property would seem to make a change in the problematic line around the JWA property eligible for consideration as a technical correction.
So, should it come to that, please move the Map 4a line so the JWA property is in Map 4a's proposed District 5, thereby placing JWA within the province of the Supervisor representing those most impacted by it.
11/15/2021 |
Beverly Moosmann |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) on the basis that it:
- Satisfies all state and federal laws
- Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Ali Monge |
As a resident of Orange County, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Susan Duby |
I am a homeowner in Newport Beach. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
• Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
• Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous supervisorial district. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by pollution, noise and traffic from JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same supervisorial district.
11/15/2021 |
Kathleen Treseder |
As a resident of Irvine, I would like to voice my strong objection to the proposed Map 4C1. I believe this map violates the California Fair Maps Act in politically targeting a sitting candidate. This map also dilutes the API and Latino representation much more than other maps. Lastly, this map unnecessarily splits 14 cities among different supervisor districts and I believe that, where possible, cities should be in the same supervisor district. I strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to vote NO on Map 4C1.
11/15/2021 |
Nicole Nelson |
I support revised map 2A(2A-1) because it keeps Costa Mesa together and it keeps the cities impacted by JWA within the same contiguous district.
11/15/2021 |
Anna-Marie Claassen |
I am a property owner of Newport Beach and own a business in Costa Mesa. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
• Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
• Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District. I do not support splitting Newport and Costa Mesa as they share a school district. That would make no sense and any map that shows otherwise is for blatant political gain.
11/15/2021 |
Gialisa Gaffaney |
I am a homeowner in Newport Beach. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
- Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
- Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Keeps the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport within a contiguous Supervisorial District. The cities most impacted by the noise and pollution from JWA – especially Newport Beach and Costa Mesa!--need to remain in the same supervisorial district.
11/15/2021 |
Nancy Scarbrough |
Please find the attached comments regarding Orange County Redistricting.
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Suzanne Gauntlett |
After reviewing the 133 page redistricting document posted this morning, I am writing you to support Proposal Map 2A-1.
The law requires that a number of criteria must be met and Proposal 2A-1 provides, in my opinion, the fairest option that creates and inclusive, equitable, and defensible Voting Rights Act and Fair Maps Act compliant map that ensures all regions of Orange County are justly represented.
Please support Proposal 2A-1 at your Board of Supervisors meeting tomorrow November 16, 2021 and again on Monday November 22, 2021
11/15/2021 |
Charles Klobe |
Still Protecting Our Newport (SPON) |
Please find attached a letter from Still Protecting Our Newport (SPON)
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Susan Dvorak |
I am a resident of Newport Beach and own residential property in Costa Mesa. I am writing in support of Revised Map Proposal 2A (2A-1) because it:
- Meets all of the criteria with state and federal law
- Keeps the City of Costa Mesa intact
• Most importantly, it ensures that the cities directly impacted by John Wayne Airport remain within a contiguous Supervisorial District. It is imperative that the cities most impacted by JWA – Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Huntington Beach -- remain in the same Supervisorial District.
11/15/2021 |
Jamey Federico |
Dear Chairman Do and Orange County Supervisors, I’m writing to express support for Proposal 2A (rev 1) or a similar map that keeps as many of the current 5th District cities together as possible. I believe the South County contract cities are a "community of interest". The cities of Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, RSM, San Clemente, and San Juan Capistrano all get their police services from contracts with OCSD and all are members of OCFA. Almost all of these cities have similar transportation issues as they relate to OCTA. A number already have interconnected Project V trolley programs. The 5 Freeway and the Metrolink train route connects the residents of these cities moreso than the Pacific Coast Highway. I feel that the residents of the current 5th District would be best represented at the County level by staying in the same supervisorial district to the maximum extant practical.
While I serve as the mayor of the City of Dana Point, these opinions are my own and not necessarily the opinions of the Dana Point City Council. Thank you for your consideration and the hard work in redistricting.
11/15/2021 |
Supervisor Foley |
District 2 |
11/15/2021 |
Mayor Bob Whalen |
City of Laguna Beach |
Please find the attached letter signed by Mayor Bob Whalen regarding Map 4C-1 which dissects the City of Laguna Beach between two proposed districts. Thank you.
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Mel Beal |
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Elizabeth M. Kiley |
Redistricting Letter
11/15/2021 |
Sue Guilford |
League of Women Voters of Orange County |
The League of Women Voters of Orange County, an Inter-League Organization which represents all three local Leagues in the County of Orange, urges the Board to pay particular attention to the following factors when approving the maps for our supervisorial districts:
- Avoid dividing cities into more than one District
- Be sure that the great diversity of Orange County is a factor in choosing maps, so that no voices are "lost," as they an be if neighborhoods and divided in such a saky that the voice and interests of our many ethnic, linguistic and religious minority groups have, in effect, no representation.
11/15/2021 |
Sapna Chopra |
Keep Costa Mesa united. I support maps 5 and 2a.
11/15/2021 |
Susan Skinner |
Option 1 is the best option. Please use this one.
11/13/2021 |
Marilyn Alexander |
As a resident of Orange County I support the redistricting Map 5 and 2A that keeps Costa Mesa and most cities united. It already is so difficult to keep citizens engaged in government but if you slight up cities with different supervisors it will make the process harder.
11/13/2021 |
Mary Steele |
I support Maps 5 and 2A
11/12/2021 |
Leah L |
Hi, my name is Leah L, and I live in Orange County for a very long time. I am of Asian descent, and I would like to have a strong asian representation. I am requesting the members of OCBOS to vote for proposal map #2, as it creates the strongest asian community, as well as the strongest Latino community, in compliance with Latino Voting Act requirement. The proposal #2 also best reflect the demographic of the 3 majority racial representation of Orange County.
Do not vote for proposal map 4 as it has way too many splits.
Please vote for Proposal map #2.
11/12/2021 |
Cierra Nevada |
Hi my name is Cierra and I live in Orange County for 25 years. I am writing to request the board members to vote for proposal map #2, as it complies with with all the legal requirements. It also creates the strongest and best majority district in complaince with Latino Voting Act , as well as having the best and strongest asian community.
Proposal map #2 best reflect the demographic of the 3 majority racial representation
Please do not select proposal 4. It has way too many splits, including splitting up Fullerton.
Please vote for proposal map #2
11/12/2021 |
Mayor Bob Whalen |
City of Laguna Beach |
Please find the attached letter signed by Mayor Bob Whalen regarding the proposed redistricting maps. Thank you.
Redistricting Letter
11/12/2021 |
Thomas Lee |
Korean American Public Action Committee |
I am a member of KAPAC, Korean American Public Action Committee. The attached letter from the City of Buena Park was being circulated among our 473 members, who are very active in the Orange County community. It was well-received by KAPAC members.
PDF 1 / PDF 2 / PDF 3
Although this letter was written by the City Council Members of Buena Park in the context regarding the senate redistricting issue, the same rationale applies to the Map 2 of the OC Supervisors are now considering. Map 2 separates Buena Park from Fullerton and other North Orange County cities. It is completely against the rule under the community of interest.
Please carefully review the letter from the City of Buena Park as Map 2 is not good for the community at large.
Thank you.
11/11/2021 |
Joyce Ahn |
Orange County Korean US Citizens League |
Our organization strongly support map 5-A as there are thousands of Korean Americans living in north OC, namely Buena Park, La Palma, Fullerton, and Yorba Linda who share common interest . We have families and friends living and doing business in those neighboring cities, share common interests in culture, shopping, churches, and schools. We help each other and share many interests. Breaking apart our Korean community in the north OC will be detrimental to our cultural and economic development. Please choose 5-A. Thank you.
11/11/2021 |
Ramona Lopez |
Como residente del Condado de Orange (OC ))deshace muchos años, me opongo al Mapa # 2 pero apoyo el Mapa 5A.
Básicamente, el Mapa 2 no tiene sentido y para que separar Buena Park de las otras ciudades del norte del condado de Orange. Buena Park es como un hermano de Fullerton y Anaheim.
Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Brea, Plascentia comparten los mismos intereses porque hay una gran comunidad Hispana, comparten intereses Comunes por ejemplo el Centro de Navegación. Con Fullerton, Buena Park comparte la Cámara de Comercio. También en Buena Park High School, 1/3 de los estudiantes son de Buena Park y 2/3 de los estudiantes son del resto de las ciudades de esta parte del norte del condado de Orange (FJUHSD). Me opongo al Mapa 2 y apoyo al Mapa 5A.
My ideas/comments are as follows
As a resident of Orange County (OC) for many years, I oppose Map #2 but support Map 5A.
Basically, Map 2 makes no sense and why separate Buena Park from the other North Orange County cities. Buena Park is like a sibling to Fullerton and Anaheim.
Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Brea, Plascentia share the same interests because there is a large Hispanic community, they share common interests such as the Navigation Center. With Fullerton, Buena Park shares the Chamber of Commerce. Also at Buena Park High School, 1/3 of the students are from Buena Park and 2/3 of the students are from the rest of the cities in this part of North Orange County (FJUHSD). I oppose Map 2 and support Map 5A.
11/11/2021 |
Jacqueline Murillo |
As a long time OC resident, I oppose Map 2 but support Map 5A. Basically Map 2 does not makes sense to separate Buena Park from the other North Orange County cities. Buena Park is like a brother to Fullerton and Anaheim.
Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Brea, Plascentia share the same interests because there is a big Hispanic Community, they share the Navigation Center. With Fullerton, Buena Park shares the Chamber of Commerce. Also in Buena Park High School 1/3 of students are from Buena Park and 2/3 of students are from the rest of the cities of this part of North Orange County (FJUHSD). I oppose Map 2 and I support Map 5A.
11/11/2021 |
Dae Yoon |
KRC in Action (aka. K-town Action) |
On behalf of Korean American community in Southern California, we urge the County Supervisors to draw the redistrict maps including both cities of Buena Park and Fullerton in one County District Map.
We, the KRC in Action (aka K town Action), was founded in 2018 to empower the Asian Americans in Southern California through community education, services, civic engagement and advocacy.
The North of Orange County, especially, the City of Buena Park and Fullerton, is a home for many Korean American community residents who share the common community interests such as social and cultural values and economic and housing issues. In some city council districts of the Buena Park and Fullerton, the Asian Americans, mainly the Korean American residents, compose more than 40% of overall population. Furthermore, there are hundreds of Korean American small businesses, faith institutions and community and social organizations located in these two cities. In recent city council elections for the Buena Park and Fullerton, the residents and concerned voters have elected two Korean American City Councilmember to represent the diversity and common community interests.
We believe key purposes of redistricting are protecting the community interests of residents who share a similar value as well as voting and civil rights of people of color community.
We strongly urge you to include both cities of Buena Park and Fullerton in one County District.
Thank you
11/11/2021 |
Christopher Prelitz |
Please add my vote to the concerned citizens that do NOT want Costa Mesa divided up.
Why? This makes no sense.
I support Maps 5 and 2A
11/11/2021 |
Suk Dae Kwon |
Korean American Federation of Orange County |
Please make sure to read out my comments at the hearing tomorrow, 11/12/2021.
Map 2 has a significant flaw particularly because it separates Buena Park from the other North Orange County cities including Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, and Anaheim. Instead, it puts Buena Park with Garden Grove, Westminster and Fountain Valley where the Vietnamese American community predominantly is. Although we love and have the greatest affection toward our fellow Vietnamese American community, we do not share the same mother language, our home countries have different political climates and we have different cultural views, and we have different religious backgrounds. In the past 10 years, most of the Korean Americans in Garden Grove have moved their residences to the North Orange County areas including Buena Park. What is largely left in Garden Grove are Korean American businesses and some community organizations. For purposes of elections, residency counts but not the location of business or workplace.
Why does Map 5A reflects the community of interest from the Korean American perspective? The Korean Americans in Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, and Anaheim all go to 3 major Korean supermarkets in Buena Park. Korean Americans in Buena Park send their children to the Fullerton-Joint High School District. Korean Americans in Buena Park go to churches in La Habra, Fullerton, Brea, and Anaheim and the Korean Americans in Fullerton, Brea and Anaheim go to churches in Buena Park. (On the other hand, there is very little commonality that we share with the Vietnamese Americans in Garden Grove, Westminster or Fountain Valley.)
Therefore, the Korean Americans in Orange County and we urge the County Supervisors to select Map 5A.
Please make sure to read out my comments at the hearing on 11/16/2021.
On behalf of the Korean American Federation of Orange County that represents the Korean American community in Orange County, I write this letter in support of Map 5, more specifically Map 5A. Map 5A reflects the concept of equity and the community of interest best, and it represents the position of the Korean American community in OC.
Map 2 has a significant flaw particularly because it separates Buena Park from the other North Orange County cities including Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, and Anaheim. Instead, it puts Buena Park with Garden Grove, Westminster and Fountain Valley where the Vietnamese American community predominantly is. Although we love and have the greatest affection toward our fellow Vietnamese American community, we do not share the same mother language, our home countries have different political climates and we have different cultural views, and we have different religious backgrounds. In the past 10 years, most of the Korean Americans in Garden Grove have moved their residences to the North Orange County areas including Buena Park. What is largely left in Garden Grove are Korean American businesses and some community organizations. For purposes of elections, residency counts but not the location of business or workplace.
Why does Map 5A reflects the community of interest from the Korean American perspective? The Korean Americans in Fullerton, Brea, La Habra, and Anaheim all go to 3 major Korean supermarkets in Buena Park. Korean Americans in Buena Park send their children to the Fullerton-Joint High School District. Korean Americans in Buena Park go to churches in La Habra, Fullerton, Brea, and Anaheim and the Korean Americans in Fullerton, Brea and Anaheim go to churches in Buena Park. (On the other hand, there is very little commonality that we share with the Vietnamese Americans in Garden Grove, Westminster or Fountain Valley.)
Therefore, the Korean Americans in Orange County and we urge the County Supervisors to select Map 5A.
11/10/2021 |
Anonymous |
Keep Costa Mesa United ???
11/10/2021 |
Vera Martinez |
keep Costa Mesa united Please